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"Simon?" A distant voice mumbles.

"Mhm?" I mumble back.

"Simon." They say, without questioning this time, and slightly louder.

My eyes flicker open and I blink a few times, allowing for the blurry images in front of me to fall in to focus. I notice she's standing awkwardly in front of me, her hair dishevelled and her torso being covered by a t-shirt. Her eyes are slightly red still and she looks uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

"Uh-morning." I murmur.

"I-uh-sorry...for last night." She whispers, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen her nervous. I make her nervous.

"No, it's totally fine-I mean, you were drunk and stuff so..." I trail off, as she nods slowly.

"Yeah, no, but still-I know it was kinda weird and stuff, but thanks for staying, I guess." She smiles lightly.

"Course." I nod in return, smiling back.

"Uh, so-" She begins but I stop her.

"Do you wanna get some breakfast or something? Best cure for a hangover?" I suggest.

She considers my offer, before smiling nervously and nodding.

We walk in to town, her hand grazing mine and the idea of holding it making my stomach twist and turn in anticipation. She's dressed in a simple pair of denim jeans and a plain, grey, slouchy t-shirt. We enter a small cafe and sit in a booth at the back, it being mostly empty apart from a mother with a toddler and an old couple.

"I'm suddenly really hungry." She chuckles, grabbing a menu and reading over it.

I smile back at her, never noticing the small scar just under her chin, it's a faint white and I guess you'd never notice it unless you wanted to. A waitress walks up to our table and smiles at us, her smile lingering on me a little longer.

"Uh, can I just have a full English, thanks." I order.

"Course you can." She winks playfully, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"When you wanna take my order, that'll be cool." Addie scoffs, making the waitress blush.

"Sorry-what can I get you?" She mumbles.

"Just a bacon sandwich." Addie replies.

The waitress nods and walks away, but not before stealing one more glance, much to my discomfort.

"Does every girl usually flirt with you?" She asks, smiling.

"It's a usual occurrence." I chuckle.

She laughs, "oh, really? Modesty suits you."

I notice her eyes light up with laughter. She looks beautiful when she is happy. Not that I see it often, though.

"Well, I never expected my Sunday morning to consist of sitting in a cafe at nine in the morning with you." She sighs, wiping the sleep away from her eye.

"Is that a good thing or not?" I smile.

She shrugs, "I dunno-is it a good thing I got completely wasted at someones house party who I don't even know?"

"It was Harry's." I reply.

"Oh-he's the one I met like two weeks ago, smart-arse, isn't he?" She chuckles lightly.

"Yeah, sounds like Harry." I laugh with her.

Our laughter dies down and she smiles at me, thoughtfully.

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