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"Addie?" Simon shouts from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I absentmindedly reply, as I walk towards him, my eyes being on my phone.

"-are you even listening?" He sighs, making me look up.

I smile and he smiles back, but I don't think he notices that I'm smiling at the smudge of flour across his cheek.

"You've got a little something," I point to his cheek but he misses, "c'mere, you idiot."

He chuckles and steps forward, as I place my phone on the counter. I reach my thumb up and run it along the flour, it collecting on to my skin and forming the outline of my fingerprint clearly.

"Wh-are you making pancakes?" I laugh, looking behind to see a mess strewn across the kitchen counters.

"I just wanted to make you happy." He pouts, resting his forehead on mine.

"With pancakes? Nice try." I grin, pressing my lips against his for a split second.

"Will you help me?" He questions.

"No-I don't cook, nor do I eat pancakes and I have to go to a revision class for my maths resit, I'll come by later though, yeah?" I smile, as his arms wrap around my waist.

"No, you can't go." He mumbles, his hands snaking further down my spine.

"Woah-going a bit south there aren't we, Captain Confidence?" I giggle, making him laugh.

"I just really love you." He smirks, going in for a kiss but I step back and adopt a quizzical look to my face.

"What have you done?" I ask him.

"Wh-" He begins but I notice his facial expression and stop him.

"You're all affectionate and caring and acting all lovey dovey-this is not the Simon Minter I know so tell me what you've done." I fold my arms and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I forgot you were fucking Sherlock Holmes." He exasperatedly sighs, sitting at the kitchen island with a defeated look on his face.

"Just tell me what it is, promise I won't get mad." I sigh, sitting next to him.

"You not being mad is an impossible feat." He smirks.

"Right, okay-no need for that, but just tell me." I take his hand in mine and his melancholy look returns.

He sighs before replying, "I got in to uni."

I grin, "Simon, that's amazing, I'm so happy fo-"

"No, you don't understand, it's in London."


I watch as she leaves, an uncertain look clear on her face. I sit in the uncomfortable yet expected silence. I miss her already.

And I haven't even left yet.

"I'm guessing she didn't take it well, then?" Harry asks, as he sits across from me in the library.

"Well, I told her, then she sat there for a solid two minutes and I could literally see she was about to cry and I tried to, I don't fucking know, console her and she just pushed me back and left." I reply, running a hand through my dishevelled hair.

"It's only, what-three, four hours away at the most? She'll get used to it, isn't she applying for uni?" Harry answers.

"She's never mentioned it." I shrug.

"Maybe you should ask her, then."

"Addie, just open the door." I sigh, knocking on her door for what feels like the millionth time.

The dorm beside Addie's door opens, to reveal a girl with slightly messy hair dressed only in a shirt, causing me to avert my eyes to literally anywhere but her.

"She's not in there, I saw her leave earlier." She grunts and I realise I probably woke her up.

"Oh-you, you don't happen to know where, do you?" I ask but she shakes her head.

I sigh, walking away and down in to the reception of the dorm building. However, shouting and screaming captures my attention and I turn to see Addie and Harry standing across from each other. I sprint out and towards them.

"...who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't fucking do?" Addie screams at Harry.

"Woah, what's going on?" I ask, as Harry's face is flushed with a cherry-red colour and Addie looks guilty.

"Do you wanna tell him, or should I?" Harry sarcastically asks her.

"You're such a fucking prick." Addie lunges forward but I get there first, wrapping my arms around her waist and blocking Harry from her.

"Tell him Addie, tell him how you're making him feel bad for this whole university thing, when you applied for a uni in fucking America." Harry yells, Addie suddenly falling limp in my arms.

I push her off me slightly and I can feel my eyes watering.

"You-you applied for a university in America?" I mumble, her eyes avoiding mine.

"I didn't think it was gonna go anywhere." She sighs, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Don't fucking give me that shit excuse Addie-you knew what you were doing and you didn't even fucking think to tell me? To ask me?" I shout.

"I didn't think I'd be accepted." She weakly responds and for once she isn't arguing back, the guilty look returning to her face.

"You've been accepted? Well congratulations, enjoy America Addie." I shake my head, beginning to walk away.

"Simon, wait, I-" She begins but I interrupt her.

"I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know you anymore Addie because all you have seemed to do since you got here is turn my fucking life upside down-you're no good for me and you're no good for yourself, I can't keep fucking staying with you in the fear of you drinking yourself to death or becoming so angry that you do something you regret, you fucking consume me Addie and I can't fucking take it." I scream with every inch of air left in my lungs.

Both Addie and Harry stand in front of me appearing slightly bewildered.

"I should go." Addie whispers, turning on her heel and as she walks away I see her shoulders fall forward and her hand go to her mouth, masking her cries.

"Mate-what she did was bad, but fucking hell, that was really harsh." Harry bites his lip in shock and uncertainty.

"Maybe." I mumble, beginning to regret it already.


probably not.

which is fair enough.

anywaysssss, I'm back and with me I have brought chapter nineteen, now-don't worry, this isn't the end, still a little bit to go

I'm so sorry this update has taken literally like two months but exams have been making me want to crawl up in my bed and never leave-but I only have nine more to go and like eleven days at school before I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH IT WHO IS EXCITED? CAN I GET A HELL YEAH?

I also have prom at the end of the month which is pretty damn exciting (not) and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do there but I'll probably just wing it and hover around the buffet table.

So yeah, thank you guys for being so patient and amazing and this book is about to hit 2k reads and 'Let Me In' (which is a Simon fic and you can check out on my profile, heheheh) HAS JUST REACHED 11K LIKE WHAT EVEN? IS LIFE REAL?

Okay so have a great, wonderful and amazing week and yeah...that's about it:)

L x


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