twenty five (tag)

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helloooo so, I got tagged in this uh...well, tag and I often get tagged in them and never actually do them but I am trying to work out how to write the next chapter of this book (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated heheheh) so here is my tag as a way of saying sorry for being a shitty updater...

tagged by: LizzyGirl2468 (thanks for the tag, lovely!)

(I also couldn't save the photo thing for some reason so just wrote the tag things down)

10 facts about you: 

1) your nickname

2) your eye colour

3) your hair colour

4) one fact about yourself

5) favourite colour

6) favourite place

7) favourite celebrity

8) favourite animal

9) favourite song

10) favourite book

tag 20 people (I don't have that many friends HAHAHAH so I'll just tag a few at the end)

1 - uh, I don't really have a nickname since my mother purposefully chose my name so it couldn't be shortened (it's Laura) so...yeah, I don't really have one, sorry to disappoint:)

2 - I have light blue eyes

3 - naturally it's mouse brown, but I have dyed it so many times and it is currently red:)

4 - oh God a fact??? Uh-hold on, I'm cool, I can come up with a super interesting fact...OH-I have watched Greys Anatomy so many times I can quote most episodes and I have probably re-watched all seasons five or six times over??? (I don't get out much) 

5 - forest green is my absolute favourite colour (navy blue is second though) and no I don't know why I specify the shade either

6 - well-that's an easy one, my bedroom obviously (I do really love my local McDonalds though heheh)

7 - oh God-I'd have to say either Ellen Pompeo or Tyra Banks (not the hi hi it's Ty Ty version of her, the badass Queen of Smize from ANTM version) 

8 - penguins/doggies

9 - 'The Way You Look Tonight' by Frank Sinatra because my grandparents danced to it at their wedding and I have always loved listening to it and watching them dance to it every anniversary they have (might sound cringe but I love it...however fav song right now HAS to be 'Praying' by Kesha because I get major goosebumps every time I listen to it omg)

10 - I have so many favourite books but I'll give you my top 5 because I can't possibly choose my favourite: 'The Messenger' by Markus Zusak (or 'I Am The Messenger', it was released under 2 titles), 'Me Before You' by JoJo Moyes, 'I am Number Four' by Pittacus Lore, 'Divergent' by Veronica Roth and 'Looking For Alaska' by John Green 

(if you have any book recommendations then pls comment them, I am DYING for some new reading materials)

I tag:











(I tagged you guys 'cause you all seem cool and nice and sweet and also I don't have any other friends LOL, however don't feel you have to do the tag guys)

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