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Everything is so dark. So boring. So dull. So lifeless.

Until he appears.

Like a light.

He stands there, his hair perfectly in place and his eyes locked on mine. It feels like a moment from a movie. It feels too good to be true. 

Which means it probably is.

"Why did you do it?" He asks.

"Wh-do what?" I stutter, in confusion and shock.

"Let him die." He simply says.

I stand there, frozen. Like a clock with no batteries; eternally cemented in to time. 

"I didn't-I tried, I did-I promise, he just wouldn't-I tried." I fumble over my words and feel tears stream down my skin as he stares at me in an even harsher way than before.

"He died because he loved you so much, he should have been taking his medication when you both sneaked out of the cabins and ran in to the woods, he was destined to die and you knew it-you killed him and it kills you to live with it." Simon screams, every word somehow getting louder and louder until it feels like he is right beside me.

"I didn't mean to, I just-I wanted to believe he was okay and healthy and not dying." I scream, falling to the ground.

Silence consumes the room and I find myself to afraid to lift my head.

"Addie?" A voice asks.

I look up to see him standing there. Like an angel.

"Jake?" I whisper.

"Yeah." He smiles, his eyes catching the light.

"Wh-where did Simon go?" I ask, looking around to find endless plains of nothingness. 

"Addie, I've missed you." He ignores my question.

"I've missed you too." I look back to find him kneeling on the ground in front of me.

"You can be with me-we can always be together, for the rest of forever." He places his hand on to my cheek, caressing my skin with his thumb.

"I want to, but I-" I begin, but just as I take his hand in mine, a scream pulls me out of the conversation and causes me to turn to my right.

"Stop-come back to me, don't go, don't leave me, please, please, please..." A voice trails off, I can't quite recognise it.

I find Jake is no longer in front of me and the hand which was once holding mine has vanished. I cautiously stand up and walk towards the voice.

"...why did you do it Addie? Why would you want to? Please, just come back to me, I'm not mad, I just miss your eyes, open them-look at me, please."

"Simon?" I mumble, trying to find the voice.

A sudden pain pulses through my body and I fall forward, on to nothing. My body falls through the floors, like I'm weightless. Like I am indestructible. Nothing can stop me as I continue to free-fall. However, the ground quickly catches up and just as I find myself about to hit the ground everything goes black. 

"Addie? Take my hand, we can do this together." Jake's voice is sweet and dances around my mind.

"Don't go-I can't do it without you." Simon's voice cries and I feel the pain dripping from every word.

"I love you." They both speak, before a sudden light hits me and my eyes shoot open. 

A/N don't be confused

all shall be explained,

L x

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