twenty three

330 8 0

18 months later

I sit in my car as rain gently drums on to the exterior in a rhythmical fashion. My headlights beam in to the distance as I sit in the empty parking lot. I check my phone and find it's half seven, I left my flat an hour ago and find myself wondering how I got here. I don't remember thinking about coming here but I always end up here. It's like fate. I can see the shadow the headstone is casting from where I'm sitting. I could leave the car. I could walk up to it and tell it everything I hate about everything I'm doing as of late but I've grown to calling it an 'it' and not a 'him' and so the feeling is long gone. It's been two, almost three years and it feels like decades. 

I sigh, reversing out of the parking space I'd been sat in for forty minutes and drive back to my flat. The streets are fairly full, it's a Friday night and the bar's are brewing with activity. I take a right and follow the dim streetlights to my building, I park my car in the complex below the building and take the stairs to my flat. I enter, to find the lights on and Netflix on my TV.

"Max?" I shout, throwing my bag down and slipping my shoes off.

"I've missed you!" Max shouts, running towards me from the kitchen and engulfing me in a hug.

"You've been gone for a week, not a year." I laugh, hugging her back.

"It feels like a lifetime, did you not miss me at all?" She pulls away, pouting.

"No, I missed you-I especially missed your incessantly loud music and lack of cleaning up after yourself." I laugh, making her grin.

"Where have you been?" She asks, walking to the sofa and collapsing on to it.

"Uh-just doing some stuff, anyways-how was London?" I quickly turn the question back to her as I walk in to my room, leaving the door open so I can still talk to her as I change.

"My brother seems pretty happy at uni, introduced me to loads of his mates and wow-some of them look like they were carved by the fucking God's I swear." She laughs.

I giggle, "you are such a psycho."

"No-I simply admire impressive works of art." She replies, with a laugh.

"Okay, okay-so what were they like? Tall, dark and handsome?" I enter the room after changing in to a pair of grey joggers and a burgundy baseball tee.

"Well, there was one-he was called Connor and he was the cutest thing ever, you're gonna have to come down with me next week-" I cut her off before she can continue.

"You're going again?" I laugh, noticing the distance and the three hour drive.

"They invited me to a party there, I couldn't say no to their puppy dog eyes and perfectly-sculpted jawlines." She grins, biting her lip.

"Do you ever think about what you say before you say it? Because sometimes I wonder if you're just a fucking weirdo or seriously a threat." I joke, making her laugh.

"So, this party..." She trails off, giving me a hopeful look.

"If you buy me a pizza, then I'll consider." I grin.


"No-you're not driving my car, you drive like you drink-without caution and acknowledgement of consequences, so get in the passenger seat before I put you in the boot." I raise my eyebrow to her as she huffs and gets in the other side and I take my position in the driver's side.

"You're such a bitch sometimes." She sighs.

"Yeah, well take it up with someone who cares." I sarcastically reply.

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