twenty eight

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I stare at the candles in front of me, the fizzling flames illuminating my skin with a warm glow. I smile as the room laughs and sings happy birthday, my lips purse before I allow a breath to blow the candles out in front of me. 

"What did you wish for?" A voice asks from behind, as they wrap their arms around my waist.

I laugh, "what do I wish for every year?"

"Shoes?" He asks, chuckling.

"You, you idiot." I smirk, turning and catching his lips.

"Okay lovers, that's enough, not in front of the poor children." Max cheekily winks, as she pulls me away from him.

"You are such a party pooper." I frown at her, making her laugh.

"I am the responsible adult." She returns with a smile.

"You cold?" He asks, pulling me closer as we walk down the fairly busy London street.

"I'm okay." I reply, snuggling further in to him nonetheless.

"I'm gonna go pick up some papers from the office, how about I meet you in the shop?" He asks and I nod, he kisses me on the cheek before crossing the street and entering his office.

I walk alone in to the clothing store, my eyes shop for me, glancing the racks of t-shirts, jackets, jeans, skirts, jumpers and whatever other garment you could possibly imagine. A voice knocks me from looking for a jumper in Riley's size.

"Addie?" I turn to find the owner of the voice standing behind me.

"Simon?" I mumble back, almost shocked and feeling slightly faint.

He laughs in shock, "what a coincidence."

"Y-yeah, uh-what are you doing here?" I mumble.

"It's a clothes shop, what do you think I'm doing here?" He chuckles.

"I-uh..." I trail off, not quite sure of what to say.

"How have you been?" He questions.

"O-oh, fine, yeah-y'know, can't complain." I instinctively look down to my ring and his eyes follow.

"You're married." He states.

"Yeah, two years." I nod.

"What's his name?" He asks coldly.

"I don't think that matters." I shake my head.

"I think it does, since he's the one you chose." He blankly replies.

"W-what? Are you kidding?" I choke out, shocked at his tone.

"Do I look like I am?" He argues back.

"All those years ago-I texted you back and you told me you were over it, so I moved on, who do you think you are to tell me I shouldn't have done that?" I angrily retort.

His face saddens, "you texted me?"

"Don't act stupi-" I begin but he interrupts me.

"I waited, for days, probably even months to be honest and you never replied and I thought you just had moved on but, but you replied?" 

"You didn't send that message?" I whisper.

"I never, I promise." He whispers back.

"Oh." I mumble.

A voice cuts Simon off before he can continue, "hey."

"Nate?" Simon mumbles and I sigh.

Nate gives him a confused look before a look of realisation hits him, "Simon-hey, how weird seeing you here."

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