twenty two

342 5 18

1 month later 

"-yeah, look, I gotta go, I'm going to see her." I interrupt Harry as I enter the all-too-familiar hospital lobby. 

"Alright man, tell me how it goes." He replies, before hanging up.

I slide my phone in to my back-pocket and smile at the receptionist as I make my way to her room. The hallways are etched in to my mind and I walk them with ease, her room on the third floor. I reach her room and notice she's lying down, facing towards the window and not me. I carefully open her door and find she doesn't react to my presence. I walk over to the right side of her bed and sit in the seat I've sat in for the past two months, my body sinking in to it. 

I only now notice she's asleep, she looks peaceful. Which scares me. It terrifies me. She looks dead-which I have to stop thinking she is because she isn't, she didn't die. 

Her body stirs and her eyes flutter open and meet mine in an instant.

"Hey." I smile, my voice low.

She only offers a small smile in return. 

"Want some water?" I ask, grabbing the baby-blue coloured cup from her bedside table and offering it to her.

She slowly its up and takes the cup from me, her skin glowing slightly in the sunlight which has flooded her room.

"Shouldn't you be at the leavers thing?" She mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

"I went for a bit, it was boring though, thought I'd come keep you company." I respond, taking her hand in mine.

"You been packing for uni?" She questions, staring at our intertwined hands.

I sigh, knowing she would ask this, "you know I'm not going anymore, Addie." 

"Simon, we talked about thi-" She begins but I stop her.

"And I decided I didn't want to go."

"Simon, I don't need you to need me, okay? You're entitled to a life and to go to university and no matter where you go, I'll be here when you get back, long distance isn't an issue." She reaches her free hand forward and gently runs her fingers through my hair.

"I don't want to leave you." I whisper.

"You're not leaving-you're just going away and coming back, I can come visit you on weekends and stuff-the opening day's on Friday isn't it? Why don't you take the boys and go down London for the weekend? It'll be fun." She suggests, smiling.

"But-" I begin but this time, she interrupts me.

"No but's, just go, for me-just see what the uni is like and what London's like and you can come back and tell me about it."

"Promise you'll be here when I get back?" I smile, her eyes glistening.

"I promise." 

"I think that's the twentieth time you've checked your phone in the past ten minutes, you alright?" Josh asks, as I nervously tap my foot against the carpeted train floor. 

"Nothing-just, Addie hasn't replied to my messages and I dunno, just worries me." I shrug.

"It'll be fine, sure she's just asleep." Josh offers a realistic explanation and I calm slightly-but not completely.

I walk towards her room, an uneasy feeling weighing me down as I notice the lights are all off in her room. I nervously open the door and find the bed has been stripped down and a letter is lying on the once-made bed. I snatch it from its place and rip it open, finding a plain piece of paper in it, I open it open and read it:


I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoy London, I know you'll do amazing.

I will always love you, 


I spend the next two weeks messaging her, calling her, emailing her-even getting the boys to call her. Nothing. Silence. It's like she doesn't exist anymore. She has wiped herself away from our lives. She isn't here anymore. 

And I hate her for it. 

A/N hola me amigos

yeah that's right, I know Spanish (thanks Dora)


and of course, it means more chapters for you lovely people

okay so a couple questions: one) do you want this book to have a sequel or for me to just make this book longer instead of there being two books?

two) I wanna start a new book, do you guys want it to be someone from the Sidemen or someone like Freezy, Callux, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Josh Pieters or anyone else (comment below who you guys would want) or I have been thinking about doing a preferences book, just of youtubers in general or would you prefer Sidemen preferences?????

yeah, have a great day you cool cats

(I have no idea why I said that either)

L x

(despite me being off school and stuff, I still have not proof read this, oh well)

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