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"Why do you look so happy?" JJ asks, as I sit across from him at our usual lunch table.

"Do I?" I laugh, as all the boys give me weird looks.

"You look fucking ecstatic." Ethan laughs with me, a little confused at the same time.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Harry smiles.

"I'm just happy." I shrug, taking a bite of my lunch.

"It's her." Josh smirks, as if he knows something no-one else does.

"Her? Who?" JJ questions.

"No-one, it's no-one." I shake my head, giving Josh a short but impacting glare.

"Nah, it won't be a girl-he would tell us." Harry agrees.

"Could be that Addie chick?" Ethan offers a solution to their made-up problem.

"Definitely not, she's a bitch." Harry laughs.

"Shut up, man." I reply, shocked at his choice of words.

He raises his eyebrow, "what? You disagree? She's rude and a fucking downer man."

"Would you just shut the fuck up? You don't even fucking know her." I angrily retort.

"I don't need to, I can tell and she is just-she just isn't anyone's type-" He goes to continue but I stop him.

"Just because she isn't your type doesn't mean she isn't anyone else's."

"Wh-you like her?" He laughs, mocking me.

"Harry, maybe you should-" Josh begins but I wade in again.

"So what if I do?"

Harry doesn't reply but sends me a look that lets me know he still thinks the same as he did twenty seconds ago.

"I have somewhere to be." I mutter, standing up and walking away from the table.

I knock on her door, she answers about ten seconds later in a pair of black jeans and a grey Adidas t-shirt.

"Hey." She smiles, leaning against her door frame.

"Hi." I smile back, stepping forward and placing a kiss on her lips, my hands gripping her waist.

"Oh-so we kiss where everyone can see now, do we?" She laughs, after pulling away.

"Is that so bad?" I mumble back.

"Nope." She smiles, leaning forward and kissing me again.

"What was up before?" She asks, as she sits cross-legged next to me on her bed.

"What? Nothing." I shake my head, as she lowers the volume on her TV and turns to face me.

"You looked mad and you were all red and usually at that time you'd be at lunch with the boys and I'd be here so you know you'd find me-you wanted to talk, so let's talk." 

I sigh, "it was just something Harry said."

"About me?" She questions.

"Yeah." I awkwardly reply.

"He doesn't like me very much, does he?" She mumbles.

"He's just, protective, that's all." I reply.

"And I get that, but if he thinks he's gonna drive me away, then he's wrong." She whispers, leaning her forehead against mine.

"He won't-I promise." I whisper back.

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