twenty four

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I walk back in to the party, confused and bewildered. It was her-wasn't it? Her hair was different, a mahogany colour that caught the light nicely. She stood out from everyone else, just like she used to. I thought for a second it was just the alcohol in me or the fact I've been thinking about her a lot lately  and that my mind was just playing tricks on me but-I saw her. I chased her down the stairs and lost her again. 

I spot Nate standing in the kitchen, talking to another girl. How does he know Addie? I walk towards him, ignoring a call from Josh.

"Hey-Nate?" I greet him, causing him to turn to me smiling.

"Hey Simon, what's up?" He asks, the girl beside him giving me a weird look.

"Uh-hi, I don't think we've met, I'm S-" I go to tell her my name but she interrupts me with a sharp response.

"I know who you are."

Nate gives her a dirty look and I cough uncomfortably, "oh-right."

Nate breaks the silence, "you alright?"

"Yeah, I-I was just wondering about the girl you were talking to before, she didn't look familiar?" I phrase it as a question, hoping he'll tell me her name, even though I already know. 

"What gir-oh, do you mean A-" The girl beside him slams her elbow in to his ribs, causing him to cough and she gives him an even harsher look than before.

"Shut up." She hisses at him.

He gives her an equally dirty look before continuing on, "Abigail, her name was Abigail."

I give him a funny look because I can tell he's lying. He has never been a good liar and the uncomfortable look on his face gives him away. 

I turn to the girl, "I never got your name."

"Maxine." She bluntly replies, with little enthusiasm.

"So, Abigail is your friend?" I say the name with little conviction, showing I don't believe the obvious lie.

"Yeah." She folds her arms, defensively.

I nod and Nate speaks up, "why?"

"She just looks like a girl I used to know." 


It's four in the morning and I haven't slept at all. Max and Nate haven't came back yet and the flat's emptiness creeps me out slightly as I lay stretched out on the spare bed Nate told me to take. The light from the streetlights outside flicker and I have to turn over to avoid them. I can't stop thinking about him. I don't think I ever have stopped thinking about him. I don't think I want to either.


I wake up to a throbbing feeling in my head. I groan, holding my head in my hands as I stand up. I walk in to the kitchen but do a double take, turning to see a girl passed out on the sofa and Harry curled up next to her. I take a closer look and notice it's the girl from last night-Maxine? Funny, she looked happy with Connor. Then again, Harry seems to always know what to say to make the girls interested. 

As I pour a cup of tea and check my messages, a sigh from the other side of the room captures my attention, I turn to see Harry waking up. 

"Morning." I nod to him.

"Hey." He responds, walking to me.

"Good night?" I wiggle my eyebrows, laughing.

He laughs too, "not too bad."

"Someone's gonna have to come get her, you've got that exam prep in an hour and I am not sitting with her." I reply, nodding to Maxine.

"Oh shit-I completely forgot about that, uh-how am I supposed to get her out?" He questions, giving me a desperate look.

I sigh, walking past him and towards Maxine. I lean down beside her and shove her shoulder, her eyes blink a few times before landing on mine.

"Wow-I guess nightmares do come true." She tiredly mumbles, making me chuckle.

"Morning to you too." I reply, standing up.

I give Harry a thumbs up as he walks towards her, offering her a coffee.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Harry asks Maxine, as she slips on a coat Harry lent her.

I interject before she has a chance to reply, "you told Josh you'd pick him up and you were supposed to be at his like ten minutes ago."

"Fuck-well, Simon will drop you off-that's a great idea, neither of you argue with that okay-thanks, bye." Harry rambles before rushing out of the door, allowing neither of us to complain.

I turn to an annoyed looking Maxine, "so-where are you staying?"

"Just pull up here." She nods to the parking space located across the street and I park in it.

I go to get out of the car and she speaks up, "uh-where are you going?"

"Thought I'd pay Nate a visit-maybe ask him why he never told me he had a sister as charming as yourself." I sarcastically reply.

"You're not gonna see her." She bluntly says, slamming her door shut so we remain seated in my car.

"So-it was Addie?" I mumble, despite knowing it was her it still takes me aback slightly.

"Yes." She sighs.

"Just-let me talk to her, I-" She cuts me off.

"You and I both know she won't talk to you." She answers.

"I never got a goodbye from her-I never got anything, no reason, no explanation, no update-I have thought about her for almost two years and now that I know where she is I'm not just gonna avoid her because that's what she wants." I angrily reply.

"Woah-you really loved her." Max exhales, impressed and shocked.

"I still do." 

(not even slightly proof read, my sincerest apologies, I am just too lazy)

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