quick update

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How are you guys? I know it's been a while heheh sorry about that.

However...I have just released a new book! It's another Simon one because why the hell not. I've tried to make it a bit different to all of my other stories on here right now, so I hope you guys don't mind that too much.

I'm really excited to be back and to be continuing what I love and writing and just being a part of this wonderful community. 

So, go check it out, I've published the first few chapters 'cause I'm nice like that and suddenly I've had a huge surge of wanting to write recently. 

It's called 'Housemates', you could also check out the first book I ever published called 'Let Me In' and it's sequel, 'Sink or Swim' which I have now just realised unintentionally rhyme, sort of, and my Harry (w2s) book: 'Three Floors Down'.

So yeah, check it out, let me know what you think!

Have a great morning, afternoon or night wherever you are!:)

L x

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