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A/n: huiuuuiuu I know some details in this chapter are wrong so I'm sorry but I'm trying to get the storyline to work out so uhhhhhhhh. Thank you for reading anyway!


The next two years if Yuuri's life went by in a flash. Between graduating from his college in Detroit, to loosing at the Grand Prix Final against Viktor, it was safe to say that Yuuri was a completely different person than two years ago.
From a lonely college student over thinking everything to a professional skater filled with self hatred, sadness, anxiety with no confidence whatsoever.

In all honesty, Yuuri was in the worst state of mind he'd ever been in. He was torn between giving up staking for good or pursuing his so far life long dream. He wasn't eating, sleeping or looking after himself. He couldn't have cared less. Not about his mental or physical health and condition. Yuuri started suffering from nightmares too. Even though they didn't happen very often (maybe once week), he'd be up for nights replaying the images his brain had created.

His confidence dropped too. Yuuri didn't know how it could have gone lower than it already was, but it did and it wasn't nice at all. After the Grand Prix final, any motivation he'd previously had was gone. He hadn't Practiced for weeks, and even though it didn't sound like much time, for Yuuri  it was a very long time.

Yuuri sat on the bench beside the skating rink, ice skates on and ready to go. Except he couldn't. He was completely drained, both emotionally and physically. He didn't have any energy or motivation to pick himself up and onto the rink. He sat with his face in his hands, rubbing his already bloodshot eyes. It was only when he felt a presence next to him did he look up, only to see Phichit looking down on him.

"Yuuri. What's been bothering you over the past weeks?" He asked his best friend.

"Nothing. I'm fine don't worry." Yuuri answered. He looked up at Phichit and with every ounce of effort, smiled ever so slightly.

"Yuuri, cut the crap. If you were okay you'd be out on that rink skating with me. We all know something's up. Have you and Izo broken up?"

Yuuri laughed slightly.

"I wish. But no. It's nothing like that." Yuuri answered him.

"Seriously Yuuri, if you dislike him that much you need to break up with him. There are thousands of guys and girls who will treat you better than he ever has." Phichit rambled.

"Phichit. It's not that simple." Yuuri scratched that back of his head. "Anyway, I'm fine. I'm in perfect health, seriously." He tried to convince him.

"Jesus Christ Yuuri! You are in anything but perfect health! You're all skin and bone, you have massive purple circles around your eyes, and your eyes are bloodshot! When was the last time you ate properly?" Phichit shouted, drawing the attention of some people.

"Uhh..." Yuuri thought back. "A-around Tuesday..."

"Jesus Yuuri it's Saturday. I'm going to get you something to eat from the cafeteria. Stay here, and don't you dare think of moving." Phichit got up from where he was sitting and left the room.

Yuuri let out a huge breath . He didn't deserve people like Phichit. They were too good for him. He didn't understand why they were friends. Phichit was so fun and caring and sweet. He couldn't have asked for a better best friend. But at the same time, he wished that they'd never met because he was way too good for Yuuri.

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