Our place

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I'm sorry I've been really busy over the past few days so I've been unable to update. Sorry for the crappy ending I couldn't think of anything good to end with. Thank you so much for everything so far too. I hope. This chapter is good enough.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes!

Thanks for reading!

That night, Yuuri didn't sleep at all. He was still in shock. He couldn't believe that he'd kissed Viktor. Viktor Nikiforov. The Viktor Nikiforov. It was also the first kiss he'd had with Viktor too. After all of Yuuri's fantasies about Viktor and after years of dreaming about him, noting could compare to what had happened just a few hours ago. His heart swelled up whenever he thought back to it. Kissing Viktor under the stars was the best thing he'd done. He was never going to regret it.

Viktor was still awake too. He was so happy. He never in a million years thought he could get Yuuri to kiss him. Since his failed attempt last month, he'd been going crazy over him. He knew only too well that he had feelings for Yuuri. And they'd been growing and growing as the time went on. He was pretty sure that Yuuri had feelings for him too. Yuuri probably didn't want a relationship right now though because he'd just come out of a long term one, and he'd been cheated on and abused in that one. Viktor knew that it would take time for Yuuri to rebuild his trust and gather himself together after what happened. Viktor was willing to wait though, because it was Yuuri who he was waiting for. And god, he'd wait a lifetime if he had to.

Viktor got out of his bed and threw on his dressing gown. He made his way outside, despite it being 5am. The cold air instantly hit him and his nose and cheeks turned slightly red. He walked around the back of the house to the spot that Yuuri had showed him a few times before. He sat down and huffed. Yuuri was right. The city lights looked absolutely stunning. He could see in the distance that the sun was beginning to rise. Viktor loved the sunrise. Especially in Hasetsu. It was so beautiful. Just like Yuuri.

Viktor stared at the sight in awe. Sometimes he doubted that coming to Hasetsu was the correct thing to do. He'd caused so much trouble for Yuuri. He'd broke his heart and made him cry, but that the end of the day, Yuuri had drawn Viktor to him. He'd skated so beautifully that Viktor felt the need to coach him and protect him. He never thought he'd leave St Petersburg, but it was moments like these that he was happy he did because he'd failed to appreciate the beauty around him before, but now Viktor appreciated every little thing.

He heard shuffling behind him and turned his head quickly. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Yuuri trudging towards him. Why was Yuuri up at this time? What was he doing?
Yuuri sat down on the bench that Overlooked the city with Viktor. He made sure to leave a small gap between their bodies because Yuuri was still flustered from earlier and would probably explode if he touched Viktor again. Viktor looked over at Yuuri and smiled. He could see the sparkle in his eyes as he watched the sunrise.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Viktor spoke. He scooted slightly closer to Yuuri, closing the gap there was before between them. Yuuri's heart flipped but once he had calmed down slightly, he placed his head on Viktor's shoulder.

"Yeah." He replied simply. They were silent for a while. No words were needed. They just sat there with each other watching as the sky was painted with hundreds of different colours. Yuuri loved this sight. He loved it even more this time because Viktor was there with him to experience it.

Yuuri closed his eyes. He was really tired, and Viktor was so warm. It was probably a bad idea because within ten minutes he had fallen asleep. Yuuri was lightly snoring and Viktor looked down at him.

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