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Thank you so much for 1k reads I honestly don't know what to say. I honestly didn't expect this to get many reads, but thank you so much for everything! You guys mean the world to me.  Thank you for all the comments too btw, you guys are really funny (also I'll take them into account for the next few chapters)

This is mainly just fluff I'm sorry that nothing exciting really happens. I promise I'll try and get the story to move faster. Next chapter will include Yurio I swear. I'm really sorry this chapter is really really bad.

Also if you listen to the song I just want to clarify that it's meant to be about Viktor and Yuuri not Yuuri and Izo.

Thank you for reading!


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Yuuri yelled at Viktor, desperate to hear that he hadn't listened in to his conversation with Phichit.

"A-ah, Yuuri!" Viktor tried greeting him, but Yuuri was having none of it.

"Why are you outside my room?" Yuuri said panicky.

"I- I came to ask if you wanted to sleep together." Viktor stuttered. "I want to get to know you better... I want to build trust in our relationship."

"Well eavesdropping isn't exactly the best way to build trust!" Yuuri yelled. "Did you hear anything?"

"N-no, I just came to ask!" Viktor tried to defend himself.

"Promise me?"

"I promise."

They were both silent. Yuuri ran a hand through his hair before rubbing his eyes. He looked at Viktor with sad and guilt filled eyes.

"L-look, I'm sorry for taking my emotions out on you." Yuuri suddenly apologised. A few tears stung Yuuri's eyes but he refused to let them spill. He felt so so guilty, because Yuuri knew what it was like to have anger taken out on you and it wasn't a very pleasant experience.

"...Yuuri, are you okay?" Viktor asked a few seconds later. Yuuri froze.

Once again, Yuuri had no idea how to respond because there was no way in hell that he was okay, but he didn't want to scare Viktor away. He was so sure that Viktor would leave him if he opened up to him because of past experiences. For some reason he felt safe when Viktor was around. He felt at home. He knew they'd only been around each other for a short period of time, but it felt like a lifetime for Yuuri. He hoped Viktor would stick around. At least until he found out what this feeling was.

"I- yeah, I- I'm just tired. I'll see you in the morning." Yuuri gave Viktor a small wave before closing the door on him. Yuuri let out a huge sigh and flopped down face first onto his bed. There were so many thoughts running through his head. He had no idea what do with them. He just wanted to sleep and forget about the world. But Yuuri knew well enough by now that he was definitely not going to sleep tonight, and prepared himself for the worst.

Meanwhile, Viktor stood outside Yuuri's room, staring blankly at the door for a few second before walking away

Something wasn't right with Yuuri.

Viktor made his way down the hallway to Yuuri's room. He'd decided to ask him if they wanted to sleep together. Viktor desperately wanted to get to know Yuuri better because he was so intrigued by him. Yuuri was one of the most beautiful human beings Viktor had ever seen. He had such amazing potential in Viktor's eyes that he felt like he needed to coach him. Viktor was drawn to him. His skating took his breath away, and even though he'd only seen him do it a few times, he was hooked on the man. His body moved like it was making the music and he had such elegance in his touch. Viktor wanted to protect Yuuri. He would gladly give up his time for Yuuri any day, and felt like his job was to protect him.

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