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A/n: hiooo! This is a really long chapter sorry, and viktor isn't in it like I promised. I'm sorry. The next one will be better I swear. The main plot starts in the next one. Also, to any of you who live in America right now, stay safe. I hope you're all okay.

Anyway enjoy and and thanks for reading!


Leaving Detroit was one of the hardest things Yuuri had ever done. The thought of possibly never returning to a place where he'd made a life for himself Over the past five years was crushing. He'd made so many amazing friends, more than he ever had back in Japan. There was nothing he could do now anyway. He'd made the decision to leave and that was final.

As the plane that they were traveling landed, Yuuri began to feel sick. Even though he had earphones in to distract himself from thinking too much, he could still hear the little voice in the back of his head telling him that he was worthless and that he had made the wrong choice.

After getting off the place and retrieving their bags, Yuuri and Izo went to the cafe to get something to eat. Yuuri hadn't spoken to Izo properly since Saturday night, and he wasn't planning to for a while. Yuuri had managed to retrieve his phone by sneaking into Izo's coat pocket when he was sleeping, but he knew he was going to have to keep it hidden. He had texted Minako to come and meet him at the Hasetsu Train station around 1:30pm. They had an hour and a half to catch a train to there.

"We better go. We're catching the train at 12:30." Yuuri announced before getting up from the table and walking away with his bags in hand. Izo followed after him. They caught a cab to the train station, luckily it was only 5 minutes away. Yuuri payed the driver and walked into the station. Both sat down on a bench and began reading train times.

"Our one should be here in 7 minutes." Yuuri spoke before getting up. "I'm going to the toilet. Can you look after my bags please?"

"No. I'm coming with you." Izo insisted. Yuuri tensed up and turned away from his lover. He grabbed his bags before proceeding to walk onto the men's toilets with Izo watching him like a hawk. Yuuri carefully placed his bags down and entered a cubicle. Of course, he didn't actually need the toilet, he just needed some breathing space away from Izo. He'd been down his neck since Saturday and was constantly watching Yuuri in some shape or form. It made Yuuri so uncomfortable, there were no words to describe his feelings.

He took his phone out and checked his messenger. Nothing. Yuuri opened the camera app and turned it to face view. Tilting his head in a few different positions, he examined the massive purple mark on the far right side of his jaw. It was disgusting. Yuuri knew he'd brought it on himself. He was ashamed. He quickly checked the time and realised that their train should be arriving any minute.

He fumbled around for a few seconds before shoving his phone into the pocket of his coat and then flushing the toilet to make it seem like he'd been. He quickly exited the cubicle and washed his hands. He then picked up his bags and ran out of the toilets. Luckily, the train was just about to stop. They both jumped on and quickly found two seats. They shoved their suitcases by their feet and sat back.

Yuuri started out the window as the train traveled out of the station, and examined the landscape around him. After about ten minutes, Green fields and trees surrounded him as he gazed in awe at the city he'd grown up in. He could nearly see the sea over the top of the trees. It warmed his heart being back in his home country. He felt warm and fuzzy but also a little sick. He was so scared to see his family again.

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