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Hey my dudes.

One of my best friends who's also into Yuri on ice looks just like Yurio and I'm so shook Because they have the same personalities too. It's great. She's great. I love her so much. Also I bought a cactus and it's cute.

I really wanted to try and develop Yuuri and Viktor's relationship here ngggggg I hope it's okay. Also Me and my friends are going to winter wonderland tomorrow and we're going ice skating I am not prepared.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to iamtrash1516 Jazzbuscus because you guys are great. Thank you for everything

This chapter is fucking awful I'm so sorry it's like 12am and I'm shattered.

Anyway thank you for reading, enjoy!

Yuuri had hardly slept that night. He was too anxious. He was possibly spending his last few hours with Viktor. Ever. That scared him to death, because all the memories and times they'd spent together would be insignificant and wasted, and Viktor would end up forgetting about him. He looked up at Viktor, who was still sleeping but had his arms wrapped around Yuuri. He was to beautiful. He was so flawless. Even when he was sleeping he looked like some kind of God.

Yuuri wiggled around and reached for his phone to check the time. 8:57. It was way past the time they should have gotten up for practicing their program one more time. Yuuri set his phone down and turned back around to face Viktor. It was time for him to get his lazy ass out of bed. Yuuri wanted to spend as much time as he could with Viktor today because he was more than aware that today could be the last day they'd spend together.

He tried to shake him lightly first, but got no response. Yuuri rolled his eyes. He shifted up to that he was now face level with Viktor, which was more difficult than Yuuri anticipated because of Viktor's tight grip around him. Yuuri tried booping his nose. Yuuri found Viktor's nose adorable, it was so boopable and soft. Yuuri started getting agitated. Viktor was a really deep sleeper so it took a lot to wake the man up.

Yuuri reached up and began playing with his hair. Yuuri had always wanted to touch his hair. It had always looked so soft and fluffy. It was shiny and silky this morning and Yuuri loved it. He twirled it around in his fingertips and tried plaiting a bit of it. He managed to do his entire fringe, and in all honesty Yuuri didn't think that Viktor should ever go for that look. Viktor still hadn't woken up, and Yuuri was half thinking of chucking a bucket of water over him or pushing him out of bed.

Yuuri managed to pry Viktor's arms off him, and sat up and looked at the sleeping man in front of him. He was like a little child and Yuuri often had to stop him from doing crazy things. Yuuri didn't mind though. He still adored him the same amount. And goddamn did he look attractive while he was sleeping. Yuuri didn't know how, but Viktor looked stunning doing everything he did. Yuuri was jealous of that trait.

Viktor really needed to get up now, so Yuuri opted for the easy way to wake him up. He Leaned down and poked Viktor in the ribs and began tickling him. Viktor shot up immediately and grabbed his stomach. He began laughing really hard as Yuuri continued to poke him in the ribs. His face turned red and he screwed his eyes shut. Yuuri was blushing because Viktor's laugh was so angelic. He loved it.

Yuuri didn't know if having Viktor around was a good thing or bad thing. He felt extremely self conscious around him and was extra careful not to say anything that could upset him or offend him. Viktor had always been Yuuri's idol, and it was strange for him to have someone so superior around, because Yuuri was used to people leaving him and hating him. This time it was different though. This time, he had Viktor Nikiforov. Yuuri decided that yes, it was a good think that Viktor was around because if he wasn't he would have probably given up skating for good if it wasn't for him. But would have that been better? He knew that most people hated his guts because he'd taken Viktor away from the main stage for a bit. Yuuri didn't mind though. Yuuri didn't mind because it was for Viktor.

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