Till the end

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I'm sorry it's taken time so long to update, I had a Welsh mock (which went TeRRibLE) and we have 3 really important science tests next week so I'm going to be revising a lot. After they're over I should be able to update as often as I did before. Also I've published a royalty au so I'm going to be working on that a lot too.

If you don't like death then I suggest that you skip this chapter, honestly I've been planning to write this for so long but it turned out nothing like I expected ahhh

Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I've read over it once so I hope there aren't many.

Thanks for reading, enjoy!

Sleep wouldn't come to Yuuri no matter how hard he tried. He tossed and turned, hoping that he would finally fall asleep, but nothing seemed to be working. Even being in the arms of his boyfriend didn't help him. He looked up at Viktor who was sleeping peacefully, light snores emitting from him. He got up and sat at the edge of his bed. He rubbed his eyes before reaching over to the bedside table and grabbing his phone.

(3) Missed calls from Yuko❄️

(8) new messages from Izo Suoh (cuntbag)

Yuuri quickly typed in his password and called Yuko back. It rang a few times before he was greeted with the sound of her voice.

"Yuuri! You were amazing in your short program! Keep it up tomorrow!"

"Make us proud!"

"We'll be watching tomorrow for sure!"

Yuuri tensed up and immediately regretted his decision to call Yuko back. His heart sank and he could feel the nerves in him stomach increase at her and her family's words. Expectations for him were high, and the last time that happened, everything had come crumbling down around him. He never wanted to experience that again.

He quickly said goodbye to his family back home before hanging up. He let his phone fall out of his hands before curling up in a ball on the bed. He buried his face into the pillow as he left his thoughts to consume him again.

What was he going to do? He knew that there was now hardly any chance of him getting any sleep but he had to rest if he wanted to do well in his free skate. He didn't want a repeat of last year's Grand Prix Final where he fucked up everything. If he didn't do well in the qualifying rounds, then that would mean that any hopes for the final would be obliterated and Viktor would leave him to go back to his home country. He would have disappointed Viktor.

And that was something he was terrified of doing.


"You haven't slept, have you?"

Viktor shook his head as he questioned his student. Yuuri was a mess- he could barley hold himself together he was so tired. He looked dreadful too, his hair looked like a birds nest and the dark circles around his eyes were obvious.
Yuuri tried to protest, but Viktor was having none of it.

He dragged Yuuri away from morning practice- they'd been at the rink for a good three hours and it was obvious that Yuuri was exhausted. He was going to be fine anyway, Viktor knew that Yuuri was capable of delivering an amazing program later on, he just needed sleep. He led his boyfriend back to their hotel (which was right next to the arena luckily) and put him to bed.

"You know, I always used to sleep before competitions. You'll be fine, love." Viktor patted Yuuri's head gently as he put the quilt over him. He smiled down at Yuuri before laying down on the younger man's chest so that he could hear the steady beat of his heart.

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