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If you don't like blood then I strongly recommend that you skip this chapter.

We had our school eisteddfod today and it was great, we came second which is a pain in the ass because our Llys hasn't won for 51 years lmao. Anyway, it's like my favourite event but for some reason they had it Christmas time this year instead of in march and it's completely thrown us off track because traditionally the eisteddfod is around march time so meh.

Also I haven't read over this so I hope it makes sense hududhhdh.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy!


Yuuri didn't expect this. He didn't expect it at all. He hated this. He had no idea what to do.

When Viktor asked him to be his boyfriend, and when Yuuri accepted his offer, of course he didn't expect everything to be perfect after. Of course he didn't expect all of his problems to disappear over night. But he hadn't expected this either.

Yuuri tossed around in his bed, awake for the third night in a row. He didn't know what to do with himself. He needed to get his shit together soon, because his lack of sleep was effecting his body and his effort in practice was becoming sloppy. It wasn't like he could help it though. If he could, then he would have done whatever it took, but he couldn't.

Viktor's and Yuuri's relationship had gotten off to an okay start. Nothing really changed between them, except they were slightly more straight forward and romantic with their actions. Both of them were happy- extremely happy with each other. It was weird for Yuuri to be in a relationship that included trust and respect- the two things that his previous relationship had been deprived of. Viktor was ecstatic- he couldn't believe Yuuri was now his, after chasing after him for so long.

When they were around each other, the world felt at peace. It was like they were the only ones that mattered to each other. Neither of them could explain how happy they made each other. The feeling they had when they were together was indescribable.

Yuuri got up and got dressed. There wasn't even any point in him trying to go back to sleep. His mind was torturing him. He hadn't experienced it this badly in a good few months. His anxiety was worse than ever. His doubts and fears had come flooding back, hitting him like a train, and although Yuuri didn't want to believe it, he knew that it was all because of Viktor.

Viktor had been so good to him. Too good for him in fact. He was so supportive and encouraging and it was so uplifting to hear such kind words for Yuuri. Yuuri knew that the should have been more grateful for Viktor, but he couldn't help but doubt him.

What if he turned out to be just like Izo? Everything was perfect so far. That's what happened with Izo. Everything was perfect, or it seemed to be perfect to start off with. Then came a few remarks that he was told to 'not be sensitive about'. Then came the shouting. And then the hitting. And then everything all at once. It escalated so quickly after Izo's mother died. That's how fast a person could change. Izo only needed a few seconds and he was a completely different person. What if Viktor was the same? Yuuri didn't want to doubt him, but the poor boy couldn't help it because of what Izo had done to him.

Yuuri grabbed his bag and left the house. He checked the time quickly, and was shocked to find that it was 3:27am. He hadn't expected it to be that early, then again, the nights seemed to drag on forever from Yuuri's point of view. He didn't care though. He needed to do something with himself or he was certain that he was going to spiral out of control, and that wasn't something that Yuuri wanted to happen again.

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