
4.2K 236 383

Hiiio! I'm sorry for leaving the last chapter on a cliffhanger. It was too tempting. I also apologise for this chapter, it's really badly written and I'm sorry.

Thank you so so much for 2k reads I'm shook??? I don't know why this is getting so many reads because I don't think my writing is very good but thank you so so sodnsjlk much for everything. I mean it.

Also, what do you think Izo looks like? I haven't gone into much detail about his appearance because i want you guys to create your own image of him. I'd love to hear your interpretation of him!

Also my Snapchat is Carys-Eleri if you'd like to add me, I'd love to talk to you guys! If you do add me, please message me on there so I know who you are :)

Thanks for reading

Yuuri didn't know what he was doing outside his boyfriend's apartment at 3 in the morning, but he was talked into doing it somehow. Yuuri looked like a bag of shit, and that was no understatement. He was in his pyjamas for one, and two, he hadn't had time to make himself look even a slight bit decent. He combed his fingers through his tangled hair before knocking on the door. He was shaking. The last time he'd been there was a few weeks ago, and it didn't end well.

Yuuri gasped when the door opened suddenly and he was pulled in. Yuuri didn't even have the chance to greet him before Izo started attack him with kisses. Yuuri squealed as he was pinned against the wall by his boyfriend. He struggled to wiggle out of Izo's grasp. There was no way he was getting anywhere with the force Izo was using on him.

"I-Izo! Let go of me!" Yuuri yelped as his boyfriend began kissing down his neck. Yuuri prayed that there wouldn't be a mark there but it was too late. He tried to pry his hands off him but it was no use.

"No, you're mine." Izo growled. He forcefully grabbed Yuuri's head and pushed their lips together. Yuuri squirmed and began trying to claw him off him. He manage to get his lips off his, and he pushed him back slightly. Adrenaline rushed through Yuuri's veins.

"No, Get off me." Yuuri said sternly. He pushed Izo off with all of his strength, sending him flying into the wall. Yuuri was left breathless as he stood there, staring at the man before him.
"Wh- why did you ask me to come here?"

"Oh, I thought it would be nice for us to  try something new tonight. C'mon Yuuri, it's been 5 years now. Don't let this end like last time. You brought it upon yourself" Izo stood up and began walking towards Yuuri. He was literally terrified.

"Izo. I am not doing anything with you. You're making me uncomfortable. Get off me." Yuuri said as his boyfriend snaked his arms around him.

"No!" Izo yelled. He was so persistent. Yuuri just wanted him off him. Yuuri pushed him off him again and sent him tumbling to the floor. He wobbled slightly as he got up, but dived straight for Yuuri. He held the taller male by the shoulders. "Lets go to the bedroom and do something-"

"No. If you're that eager, go to the bedroom and jerk off to your fucking self portrait because you obviously love yourself that much." Yuuri snapped before guiding him and pushing him towards the bedroom door and he entered before closing it behind him with great difficulty.

Yuuri sighed.

He looked around the living room. It was a fucking mess. That was the only way Yuuri could think of describing it. There was Paper work all over the floor and there was smashed glass. There were a few bottles of beer too. His coats lay scattered along the floor. There were bags tipped.

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