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I'm going ice skating again tomorrow and I am very hyped whoop whoop. If any of you happen to live in/near Swansea (highly unlikely but) please come to winter wonderland with me tomorrow I'm serious.

I'm sorry for the slow updates, my phone's broken and my friends keep stealing it from me and throwing it about and so my screen has started to come off so I can't type a lot without it fucking up. Sorry. This is kind of a shitty chapter too, sorry.

Anywayyyy enjoyyyy!


Viktor tapped his foot impatiently and chewed his lip as he waited for his name to be called. He sat in the waiting room, staring at the clock as the seconds ticked by. He grumbled quietly and cupped his face in his hands. He'd been waiting for around an hour. He was getting desperate. He was starting to get impatient. He absolutely hated hospitals.

He wanted to see Yuuri so so badly. He'd missed him so much and was desperate to hear that everything was going to be okay. The last time he'd seen him (which was a good few hours ago), he was all bloody and bruised in his arms. Viktor never wanted to see Yuuri in that state again. What had even happened anyway? Viktor obviously hadn't had the chance to ask Yuuri yet, but he hoped it wasn't anything serious. Viktor knew it was partly his fault for not keeping a closer eye on Yuuri, and he was beating himself up over it. They wouldn't have needed to come to the hospital if Viktor had done his job properly. What kind of coach was he? He was supposed to protect and support his skater, not make him end up in hospital.

"Viktor Nikiforov?" A small voice called. Viktor jumped out of his seat and looked down at the doctor who was stood by the door way. "Follow me."

Viktor gulped before nodding. He followed the doctor down a few corridors and his nerves grew. He passed Yuko on his way, who was leaving the hospital after being with Yuuri for the past few hours. They came to a stop at a row of rooms. Viktor knew that Yuuri was in one of them, and his heart was pounding furiously. They made their way down to the last but one door, and the doctor smiled at him before pushing the door open.

Viktor didn't waste any time in running into the room. The moment he saw Yuuri in the hospital bed he practically flung himself at him and pulled him into a massive hug. Yuuri was slightly baffled but hugged back regardless. He could feel Viktor's warm breath on his neck and it sent shivers down his spine. Viktor whispered a few words in Russian before pulling out of the hug. He looked at Yuuri with pitiful eyes before taking his hand and kissing it gently.

"How are you feeling?" Viktor asked Yuuri as he stroked his hand with his thumb.

"Oh-uh... slightly better..." Yuuri smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry for causing all of this trouble...."

Yuuri bit his lip and looked away from Viktor. He felt really guilty for thinking he could do something that was way off his limits, yet he felt like he'd failed Viktor. He didn't know what to do with himself. He was overflowing with emotions. Viktor just shook his head at Yuuri and placed a finger on Yuuri's lips.

"Yuuri, I promise you there's no need to apologise. It wasn't your fault. It was just a stupid accident, that's all. Accidents happen all the time, okay? Anyway, you're okay now and that's all that matters." Viktor reassured Yuuri and gave him a smile to prove it. Yuuri was about to speak when the doctor cleared his throat.

"English?" The doctor asked.

"Yes please." Viktor nodded.

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