potseluy menya

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Pls don't hate me but I might not to be able to update much this week because I have a Viola exam next Wednesday so I'm terrified. 

potseluy menya = kiss me.

Hahahdjjck im deceased after writing this chapter I'm sorry guys. Sorry there are a lot of grammar mistakes.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


Viktor hadn't let go of Yuuri's hand since they'd left the beach. He didn't want to either. Yuuri's hands were so small and they fitted perfectly into his. Yuuri's hands were warm. And soft. They were so, so soft. Viktor was captivated by every little thing about Yuuri. He couldn't believe that he'd found himself such a gorgeous pupil. He was so lucky that Yuuri was his, and his alone.

Viktor was staring at Yuuri out of the corner of his eye. He'd being doing it for the whole date. It seemed impossible for Viktor to take his eyes off him. Yuuri looked so Beautiful. Yuuri was staring out to sea, watching as the waves rolled in one by one. They were at the same café they came to after practice when Yurio was with them. It was also where their first date was, but this was their first official one.

Yuuri had caught Viktor staring at him more than a dozen times already. Viktor constantly had his eyes on Yuuri. He didn't know how to feel about it. He didn't know what was wrong. Was there something on his Face? In his hair? Did he look stupid?

"I-is there something on my face?" Yuuri turned to Viktor who immediately looked away. He'd been caught staring. Again. How could he not stare though? How could he not appreciate the beauty that was in front of him?

"You're just really beautiful Yuuri..." Viktor trailed off and looked out to sea. Yuuri was blushing like hell, and was trying his best to cover it up. Viktor could tell that Yuuri was flustered and giggled at his attempt to cover it up.

"N-no I'm not..." Yuuri mumbled as he tried to hide his face in his hands.

"Yuuri, I've been unable to take my eyes off you for the past hour that we've been here, if you're not beauty itself then I don't know what is." Viktor admitted bluntly and winked at him.

"S-shut up...." Yuuri stuttered. Viktor smirked.

"Make me."

Yuuri glanced up at Viktor, who was staring at him with a playful glint in his eyes. Yuuri didn't know what to do. He was blushing like hell. What did Viktor mean by that? Yuuri was really inexperienced in the field of flirting and dates. His last relationship didn't go too well, did it? He fucked up everything. 

"W-What do you mean?" Yuuri blushed. Viktor rolled his eyes at Yuuri and giggled.

"It doesn't matter." Viktor sighed. But it did. It mattered so, so much to Viktor. Was he being too subtle with his words and actions? Or was Yuuri just being his oblivious self?

Viktor had just indirectly invited Yuuri to kiss him, but instead of a pair of lips on his, he ended up with a very confused Yuuri. And Viktor couldn't deny that he was slightly disappointed.

It was typical of Yuuri to do that. Yuuri was so oblivious, and Viktor found it adorable. He'd have thought that Yuuri would have gained some experience, being in a relationship for five years (although it wasn't exactly a very healthy one). Viktor smiled to himself though, because at the end of the day, Yuuri was just Yuuri and Viktor adored him for being him.

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