Break up?

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Hey my dudes.

Sorry this chapter is way overdue, I haven't been feeling good recently so I hope you can forgive me.

Would you like a few more chapters of dates and Victuri fluff/angst and shit or would you prefer me to skip to the cup of China?

Sorry for the grammar mistakes! It's nearly 1am and I haven't slept properly in god knows how long holy shit this is so bad I'm sorry this probably makes no Fucking sense ahhhh

Thanks for readinggggg!


"Where the hell d'you think you're going?"

Yuuri tried to speak but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat. He just stared at the man above him. Yuuri didn't know what to do with himself. He was being pierced by two beautiful yet intimidating blue eyes.

"You were going to go up to the rink, weren't you?"

Viktor pulled Yuuri up onto his feet again. Viktor stretched his arm out towards Yuuri and looked at him with convincing eyes. Yuuri huffed and slowly took the bag off his shoulder and handed it to Viktor. Viktor looked so disappointed in Yuuri. He didn't think he could bare to be looked at like that by Viktor any longer.

Viktor put the bag to one side before putting his arm around Yuuri and leading him outside. He made sure to hold onto Yuuri tightly to make sure he didn't fall. They didn't speak a word to each other as they walked together to their bench. They both sat down and stared out to the sunrise. Yuuri watched with dull eyes, while Viktor's were full of life. They sat in silence for a while before Viktor spoke up.

"I-I don't understand, why would you want to risk damaging your body more than you already have?"

Yuuri didn't know how to answer that. Yuuri was so desperate to perfect his programs in time for the cup of china, because he knew that Viktor would leave him and go back to his home country if he failed. That had caused him to throw every ounce of common sense to the side, meaning that he didn't distinguish right and wrong anymore, he was too focused on his goal to care about his actions.

He was so heartbreakingly oblivious that Viktor didn't care what ranking he got, he was going to stay by his boy's side forever because he loved him so, so much.

"I just- I just feel so...anxious and skating has been the only way I can properly let out my emotions and- and I don't know what to do now because it's been taken away from me." Yuuri sighed, hugging his knees against his chest. The cold October air made Yuuri shiver and his cheeks turn slightly red.

"You know I'm here for you, right?" Viktor turned to Yuuri.

Yuuri glanced at Viktor for a few seconds before tearing his eyes away from his boyfriend's beautiful ones. He felt extremely guilty, and he didn't Know why. Was it because he felt like he was asking for too much out of their relationship? Was he just being a brat? They'd been dating for nearly two weeks now, and Viktor had made it clear during that time (and the past months he'd been by Yuuri's side for) that he was there for him no matter what and would try his best to support him, even though he wasn't good at emotionally connecting with people or sympathising.

"I- I don't- I mean, I've never had someone who's said they'll support me through everything, and I don't really want people to think I'm W-weak because if it." Yuuri stuttered. He felt bad for admitting it, but he couldn't keep everything hidden forever. "I- I hate to say it because I-i don't think I've come to terms with it myself yet, b-but Izo... he always used my weaknesses against me so they're not something I like to discuss openly..."

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