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Hiooooo, thank you for all of the support so far, you guys are amazing!

Also, what would you guys like to see happen in the next few chapters? I've planned out the next three chapters already I was just wondering what would you guys like to see since I'm writing this for all of you :)

I would like to dedicate this chapter to these little cinnamon rolls-anime_unicorns WelcomeToThe_Phandom

I haven't edited this chapter so sorry for the mistakes, but Thank you for everything, enjoy!


"Hello Viktor." The boy spat at him. Viktor stared at him in confusion.

"...what are you going here, Yurio?" Viktor questioned him. He held on tightly to Yuuri while the younger boy buried his face into Viktor's neck. Viktor could feel the uneven breath against his neck. He needed to help him, or things could bet worse.

"I came to take you back to Russia! Did you forget the promise you made me?!" Yurio yelled at the taller male. Viktor was starting to get agitated.

"Yurio, I need you to move to one side for one second." Viktor said sternly. Yurio scoffed and crossed his arms.

"No way."

"Can't you see who I've got here?! He needs to get some fresh air." Viktor yelled. Yurio just stayed put and began tapping his foot on the floor. "I'll have to make you get out of the fucking way then..."

He shoved his way out of the door, nearly knocking Yurio over, but was relieved that he could finally attend to Yuuri and help him calm down. He walked over to the wall and sat down with Yuuri in his lap. He cradled the younger boy an began stroking his hair.

"Shhh...deep breaths Yuuri..." he rocked back and forth. Viktor had no idea In hell if he was doing this calming down thing right, but he was trying his best. He felt so so guilty. He was the one that pulled the trigger this time. He had no idea to what, but knew that something had happened, and it must have been pretty bad to set Yuuri off like that. He watched as Yuuri cupped his hands around his face and tried to breathe. It broke Viktor's heart seeing Yuuri like this. He just wanted to love and support him through it, but he felt completely useless right now.

"I-I feel really fa-faint." Yuuri hiccuped. Viktor suddenly went into panic mode. He placed Yuuri down on the wall off his lap and kneeled in front of him. He grabbed the boys hands and stroked them gently.

"Yuuri look at me." Viktor said. Yuuri waited a few seconds before opening his eyes and looked directly into Viktor's beautiful ones. "Just like last time, okay? Breathe in...and and out." Viktor encouraged Yuuri.

Slowly, but steadily, Yuuri's breathing returned to normal. Yuuri felt like pure shit. His lungs felt like they were on fire, and his throat was raw. He took one of his hands from Viktor's and rubbed his eyes. He really needed some sleep. He hands slept in four days and it was really starting to take effect on him.

"Yuuri, how are you feeling?" Viktor questioned. Yuuri tore his gaze away from Viktor. He'd just embarrassed himself in front of his idol again. He felt like pure crap. His head hurt and all the energy had been drained from him.

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