Mine (part 2)

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I have been waiting to write this for 10 years.

That is all I'm going to say Apart from thank you for reading and once again thank you toWelcomeToThe_Phandom for helping me with this chapter. Also sorry for the grammar mistakes it's 1:14am guys I'm tired af pls forgive me. Sorry if this seems rushed.

Enjoy and thank you for reading!


The next day when Yuuri woke up, he was immediately struck by the cold air. He opened his eyes groggily and rolled over. He was expected to be greeted with the sight of Viktor beside him, but instead it was just the image of an empty bed. Yuuri sat up and rubbed his eyes. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his glasses. He slowly slid them on and looked around him.

There was no trace of Viktor.

"V-Viktor?" Yuuri called as he slowly got out of bed. Nothing. He checked the bathroom. Nothing. Where the hell was he? Had he just left Yuuri like that? Yuuri grabbed his phone off the table and checked for any texts.

4 new text messages.

Yuuri relaxed slightly and prayed to god that they were from Viktor. He typed in his passcode and immediately checked his texts

From: Izo Suoh (cuntbag)
To: Yuuri Katsuki.

I love you

Please get back with me

I miss you

You're the only one for me.

Yuuri grumbled in anger. Why couldn't he understand that Yuuri didn't want to see or hear from him ever again? What was so hard to grasp about that concept? Yuuri quickly typed a reply before throwing his phone onto his bed.

From: Yuuri Katsuki
To: Izo Suoh (cuntbag)

Fuck off. If I ever got back with you the first thing you'd do would be whip your dick out. Leave me alone.

Yuuri turned around and spotted a note taped to the door of the hotel room. His heart skipped a beat. He took it off gently, making sure that he wouldn't rip it. He scanned it quickly and sighed.


I know you'll be nervous for the competition this afternoon because, well, you're Yuuri. Meet me at the hotel restaurant around 12:30. I'll buy food for you to take your mind off the competition.

Love from
Viktor xxx

Yuuri could feel his face burning up. Viktor was too good for him. He didn't deserve people like Viktor in his life. Yuuri set down the note gently and smiled. He checked the time. 12:43pm. Yuuri squealed. He quickly text Viktor and apologised for being late and then began searching for something decent to wear. He went to rummage through his suitcase when he remembered that he hadn't packed any casual clothes, only his costumes, pyjamas and sport gear.

Yuuri frowned and slammed his suitcase shut. He grumbled in frustration, and was half thinking of just turning up in his pyjamas when he remembered that Viktor always took huge masses of clothes with him everywhere, just in case. Yuuri's house wasn't that far away from where the competition was being held, it was just that Viktor had convinced him that it would be best to stay in the hotel that was literally right next to the building. Yuuri wasn't complaining though.

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