The Cup of China- Short program

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Okay I just wanted to say that I'm going to write this slightly differently from the anime because I don't want these next chapters to become boring because there's no point me keeping every single detail the same. The main storyline will obviously stay the same, it's just most of the lines/some of the events will be altered slightly to (hopefully) keep you entertained.

Also in all honesty, I really don't know whether to carry on writing this book because I'm scared that people aren't going to like the way this story is going to go. I haven't decided yet but Idk I'll try my best to keep writing.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes again I'm really tired and I haven't read through this and I'm going to regret that when people point out embarrassing mistakes so I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading, have an amazing day!

Yuuri lay awake in his bed, unable to sleep due to the nerves in the pit of his stomach. He'd been tossing and turning around for hours upon end, and it was now the early hours of the morning and he hadn't had even a Second of sleep. He let out a frustrated groan and kicked the covers off himself. Tonight wasn't a good night.

He'd been expecting this anyway. They were flying to China in the afternoon for the start of his Grand Prix series. Yuuri was a ball of nerves as usual, but this time it felt different. Of course, he'd been utterly terrified of disappointing people in the past, and he still was now, but this time he had something to prove. He felt the need to express someone else's existence through his skating. And that person was Viktor. He had to prove to people that the Russian Legend had made the right choice in coming to coach him, and Yuuri was the only person in the world who could do that. He couldn't afford to lose. He had to be nothing less than sheer perfection.

He grabbed his glasses from his bedside table before sliding them on. He ran a hand through his hair and forced himself out of bed to get dressed. It was pitch black outside and it was probably a very bad idea to be heading out this time of night, but Yuuri needed to calm his nerves before they completely devoured him. The only way to relive his anxiety was skating his emotions out.

Yuuri was kind of glad that he'd decided not to sleep in with Viktor tonight because otherwise he could have given him a lecture and a half on how he should have been properly rested. Yuuri hardly ever slept with Viktor before competitions because he didn't want to be a bother and didn't want to feel weak. Viktor was somehow touching Yuuri nearly constantly, and just by his body language Viktor could tell how Yuuri felt. It made Yuuri feel so weak. Yuuri felt like Viktor was intruding on his feelings, Yuuri felt like a burden.

After changing, he put his bag over his shoulder and left his bedroom. He checked that he had his phone and the keys to the ice rink before exiting the house and jogging up to his destination. He crappy streetlights were the only source of light around apart from the occasional passing car, so it was eerily dark. Yuuri had no idea what to do with himself. He hated the darkness. It had destroyed him enough already. It made him feel so alone and powerless.

He walked quickly along the bridge, the swishing water beneath him making him gulp and chew on his lip. He held his breath before daring to look down at it for a second. He quickly averted his eyes away and kept his focus on the path ahead. Yuuri hated the dark, deep water. It was a very specific thing to hate, but it just reminded him of how dark his room was some nights when he was drowning in his own thoughts. There was no escape from them, no matter how hard Yuuri tried.

Everything went dead silent all of a sudden. There were no cars. There was no light breeze. No birds. The sound of the waves seemed to have quietened for a few seconds. Nothing. The only sounds Yuuri could hear were his uneven breathing and the sound of his footsteps echoing. It was eerie in the way. It was 4am on a Thursday morning and he was the only living thing about. He was so vulnerable.

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