Don't leave me

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I want to dedicate this chapter to honeybeeholmes siaoturtle x_broke_and_alone_x Because boiiiiiii you guys are great. Thank you so much. And to the rest of you. All of you guys are amazing.

Also the timeline is a little fucked up here oops oh well please bear with me I am trying to best. Thank you for all the support so far!

Enjoy and thanks for reading!
(I'm sorry I haven't edited most of this, sorry about the mistakes)

To say that Yuuri woke up the next morning absolutely terrified was an understatement. He lay in bed for a good ten minutes and stared blankly at the ceiling. Izo's words sounded like a threat. He couldn't stop replaying them in his head. He knew where Yuuri lived, he knew his daily routine, he knew where he went all the time. Yuuri knew better than anyone what Izo was capable of. Yuuri prayed to any god that existed that Izo wouldn't find him, because he knew only too well what that man would do to him.

He felt physically better today. He'd actually managed to get a few hours sleep, which relived Yuuri because he didn't know if he could cope with another sleepless night. His back still ached but he could deal with it. He'd had worse.

He got out of bed slowly and put all of his training gear on. He grabbed his skates and shoved them into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He walked out of his room and downstairs, only to be greeted by Viktor.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" Viktor smiled.

"Uh, It was okay. How about you?" Yuuri replied.

"It was lonely. Even Makkachin didn't want to sleep with me!" Viktor huffed and Pouted. "Anyway, I was just going to head up to the rink. You can come up a bit later with Yurio if you'd like to."

Yuuri was not going to leave Viktor's side today. He was too terrified. He'd probably come off as clingy, but Viktor was the only person he felt mildly safe around.

"N-no! I'll come with you!" Yuuri stuttered. "I mean...if that's okay with you."

"It's fine, did you eat breakfast?" Viktor asked. Yuuri hesitated before shaking his head. Viktor paused for a second before rummaging through his bag and pulling out on energy bar. He handed it to Yuuri. "Eat this, I'll keep you going till dinner."

"O-okay, thank you." Yuuri opened the packet and took a bite. It tasted decent. He could make do of that for now.

"Shall we get going?" Viktor asked Yuuri. He nodded in return. Viktor grabbed his coat and bag before walking out the door with Yuuri by his side.

"Hey! Where d'you think you're going without me, idiots!" A voice called from behind them. Both turned around to see Yurio standing there, his hair a mess and in his pyjamas. He shot both of them a glare.

"We were just going to head up to the rink. You can join us later if you like." Viktor cheered.

"No way am I letting fatso there have you all to himself. Wait for me. I'll be ready in two minutes!" Yurio yelled before sprinting off to his room.

"Geez, does he ever stop?" Viktor scratched his head. "C'mon Yuuri, let's wait outside."

They both walked outside together and sat down on the wall. Yuuri rubbed his hands together because he was absolutely freezing. The cold morning air was enough to freeze him to death. He looked out to the sea as the sun was rising, casting hundreds of different colours across the long stretch of water. Yuuri could remember watching the sun rise as a little kid. He'd always wake up extra early so that he could see all the beautiful colours. Yuuri smiled at the memory.

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