Mine (part 1)

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Okay so I was going to make one really long chapter but I'm really ill so I've been struggling to write to a standard that I'm happy with I'm sorry. I'll make two parts instead, I'll try and update as soon as possible bc I'm really excited to write it. But seriously, I feel so ill I want to curl up and die.

I want to thank WelcomeToThe_Phandom for helping me with ideas for this and the next chapter. Thank you so much :)

Also I was too tired to check over this so I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!


Yuuri's heart was pounding like hell as they approached the building where here would be skating in a few hours. He gulped. He wasn't prepared. His last competition was last years Grand Prix Final, and he'd completely bombed that. People probably expected him to bomb this competition as well. He needed to prove that he was worth Viktor's time. That Viktor made the right choice in coming to Hasetsu to coach him.

Yuuri shook his head while entering the building. Yuuri was shocked at how many people were here to watch the competition. He subconsciously reached behind him and grabbed Viktor's hand. He took Viktor by surprise, but Viktor gave his hand a reassuring squeeze to show Yuuri that everything was going to be fine. Yuuri relaxed the slightest bit and took a deep breath.

He was soon escorted over to where the other skaters were, forcing him to part ways with Viktor. Yuuri gave a small whine and pouted when the warmth of Viktor's hand disappeared from his. He turned around and stuck his bottom lip out at Viktor. Viktor smiled back and blew him a kiss, making Yuuri blush. Yuuri was so adorable.

Viktor watched as the four competitors sat down with each other and chatted. Yuuri just sat there and played with his fingers while zoning out. Viktor could tell that he was nervous. He couldn't do anything this time though. He huffed and walked to the ice rink and shoved his and Yuuri's things down on the bench. It was going to be a long day.

"Yuuri Katsuki, you're up." Yuuri's palms were sweaty as he screwed his eyes shut and reached into the bag. The number that he'd pull out was what place he'd be skating in. He was begging that it wouldn't be first place. That's what happened at the nationals. He hated going first.

"Congratulations, you'll be skating in first place!" The woman announced. Yuuri's heart sank. Why did he always get the worst of luck?

He wanted to go off and find Viktor, but he was forced to stay with the other competitors for now. Yuuri was pissed. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He was so pissed at himself for having bad luck all the time. He crossed his arms and stared at the floor as his anxiety began to creep back up on him. The pressure of opening the competition was one that he'd hoped he wouldn't have to bear this time around, but as Yuuri's luck went, he had no choice. He wouldn't have minded going 2nd or 3rd or 4th, but never first. Being in first meant being confident about setting the standards. Being first was about being bold. Everyone was going to be watching him because he was the one to open the competition. Most people initially lost interest after the first skater, which meant less pressure for the other ones. To put it simply, Yuuri was terrified.

"I can't believe I've got to see you draw out first place again! It's so entertaining!" A excited voice came from his side. He looked over to see one of his fellow skaters staring at him, eyes full of energy. Yuuri didn't recognise the boy, and felt slightly guilty.

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