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A/n: hshdjxj im trying to update as soon as possible, also thank you so much for the lovely comments! They mean the world to me honestly, thank you so much. I should be revising for a science test but who cares Im suffering I have so much to do huuuuuuuuhhh.
I'm sorry this is kinda short, Viktor will be in the next chapter I promise!

Anyway thanks for reading, enjoy!
Sorry it's so short!
This is mostly unedited btw I'm Sorry for the mistakes.


Yuuri sat down quietly in the booth by the window of the café. His hands were warmed by the cup of coffee he was holding tightly in his hands. He took a quick sip before setting it down gently. He tapped his fingers on the wooden table, anxiously waiting for Phichit to turn up. Yuuri's mind automatically jumped to the worst case scenarios. What if he'd forgotten? What if he just didn't want to meet up with him? Had he had enough of Yuuri's antics over the past few weeks?

Yuuri had drank half of his coffee before his best friend turned up. He quickly sat down and threw his coat off. Yuuri smiled at him. He was going to miss him so much.

"Sorry, I was in the middle of eating my food." Phichit quickly apologised.

"Oh don't worry, you don't need to apologise. I'm sorry if I pressured you or dragged you I-"

"Yuuri, calm down. Everything's fine, it's nice we can meet up one last time. You don't need to apologise, honestly." Phichit interrupted Yuuri's little ramble to try and calm him down.

Yuuri ran his hand through his raven hair. He had a lot on his mind. Amongst the worry of returning to Hasetsu and seeing his family for the first time for half a decade was the worry of leaving Detroit. He'd been living here for all of his adulthood so far, he wasn't sure if he could deal with another massive change in location for the second time so early in his life. Amongst all this, the little voice in the back of his head had been bugging him for a few days now. He was terrified that he'd let his family down, or that they were disappointed in him. The whole reason that he'd moved to Detroit was to pursue his skating career, but all the time he'd been there, he hadn't achieved anything.

"Yuuri. There's something bothering you again. You're fidgeting with your fingers." Phichit snapped him out of his trance.

"I- I'm fine. Honestly." Yuuri replied.

The thing about Phichit was that he knew Yuuri so well. He could tell when Yuuri was nervous, sad, anxious, tired and over thinking, all by the little habits he'd picked up on. For example, Yuuri would constantly fidget with his fingers if he was anxious or had something on his mind, if he was sad he'd rub his eyes a lot and give very short answers in conversation and If he was tired he'd constantly rub the back of his neck. Those were only a few things that he'd picked up on over the years.

"Are you gonna get anything to eat?" Yuuri tried to change the subject, and Phichit gave him a glare, knowing what he was trying to do.

"Meh, I might get some carrot cake and a latte. You?" He replied. "You've got to eat something."

"I'm fine thank you, I don't fancy anything anyway." Yuuri politely declined the offer but with the look at his best friend was giving him, he knew he was going to have to eat something.

"Why don't we share a slice of carrot cake Yuuri?" Phichit suggested.

"I gain weight too easily though."

"That doesn't mean you can't eat, silly. Plus, think of it as one of your goodbye gifts from me." Phichit winked at him as he left the booth to go and get something.

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