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*if you're uncomfortable with like  slighty (I mean really reallly slight) sexual actions then I suggest you skip this chapter*
A/n: heyyy I'm sorry this is kinda shit but I'm ill. Also I can't write even the slightest of sexual things I'm so uncomfortable (I don't even know if you'd consider it sexual to be honest) so I'm sorry.

Also I wound like to thank TheLovelySardonyx for all the lovely comments and votes and everything, it honestly means the world to me. Thank you so much. I dedicate this Chapter to you :)

Thank you as always for all the reads and comments and votes, you're all so kind. Enjoy!


Later that afternoon, after Yuuri had returned home from his skating session, he was ordered to help Viktor unpack all of his things. He helped carry all of his boxes and bags into the room he'd be staying in. Yuuri wasn't sure if he'd quite wrapped his mind around the fact that Viktor was going to be living and coaching him. Yuuri was constantly on edge become was so desperate for Viktor to stay with him and not leave him like so many people had before.

"Thank you Yuuri. That'll be all." Viktor thanked his new pupil. "Now, I'd Like to get to know you better."

Yuuri's heart started beating furiously as Viktor started edging closer to him until they were literally two inches from each other. Viktor grabbed Yuuri's chin ever so gently with his warm hands. Yuuri was pretty sure his heart could have stopped in that moment.

"Tell me everything, Yuuri. What music do you listen to when you're sad? Do you listen to the rain at night? Are you intrigued by the stars at night? We have all the time in the world Yuuri." Vikor cooed. Yuuri was blushing so hard, he was sure Viktor could see it.

"One second..." Yuuri muttered before getting up and bolting out the door. He stepped outside and breathed in the cold evening air. He'd been so close to Viktor, he couldn't handle it. All those times he'd fantasized about Viktor, they couldn't compare to what had just happened.

Yuuri's phone started Vibrating suddenly. He pulled it out of his pocket to see his boyfriend's caller ID on the screen.

"Hello." Yuuri answered dully.

"Yuuri, can you come over tonight please? None of my colleagues could come over so I decided to ask you." His Boyfriend pleaded.

"I was going to practice with Viktor tonight..."

"See Yuuri! You never make the for me, you're the reason that this relationship is falling apart!" He spat at him suddenly. It scared Yuuri that his mood could change so quickly. He was right. Yuuri hadn't made time for his boyfriend over the past few weeks, what kind of boyfriend was he?

"Okay then. I'll be around 6:30" Yuuri gave in before hanging up. He constantly felt as if he was walking on broken glass. One wrong move and he'd end up with something serious.

Yuuri quickly checked the time. 5:51. He quickly ran inside and up to his bedroom to find some decent clothes to wear. He'd have to catch the bus to Izo's apartment, which was twenty minutes away from Yuuri's house. He quickly slid on a pair of his best jeans and found a white dress shirt. He rummaged through the bottom of his wardrobe and found a navy knitted jumper and threw it on. He adjusted his collar and then made his way out of his bedroom. He now had half an hour to get there and he knew he couldn't be late because his life literally depended on it.

He was about to go and inform his parents that he was going out until someone grabbed his arm and spun him around. He was once again face to face with Viktor, and he wasn't in the slightest prepared for it.

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