A new beginning

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A/n: heyyy! I have nothing much to say to be honest other than thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the reads, comments and votes! It means the world to me honestly. Thank you so much.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy his chapter!


When Yuuri woke up the next morning, all weary and irritated, the only thing he wanted to do was to curl up into a ball and forget about everything. The last thing he wanted was to have to engage in conversation with someone. He wasn't in the mood.

So when Minako burst through his bedroom door at 10:24am (which was way too early for Yuuri's sake) to tell him that his hot Russian idol was naked in the hot spring, Yuuri hadn't completely realised what was going on. He just told her to go away and then went back under the covers to sulk and pity himself again. He was deprived of any motivation to do anything anymore.

"Yuuri, I don't think you understand. The Viktor Nikiforov is in our hot spring and he wants to see you." Minako yelled as she tried to pull him out of bed.

"Go away, you're probably mistaken." Yuuri mumbled and pulled away from Minako's grasp.

"Yuuri, you better get your ass out of bed before I drag you out." She huffed. "Fine, at least come and get some breakfast with me." She gave in. Yuuri pondered for a minute before replying.

"Fine, but only for breakfast." Yuuri huffed. Minako nodded her head and left the room. Yuuri turned to his bedside cabinet and reached for his glasses. Unfortunately, he accidentally swiped them off the side and they fell onto the floor. Yuuri huffed.

So it's going to be this kind of day he thought to himself. With every ounce of  energy he had, he lifted himself up and sat on the edge of his bed. He reached for his glasses off the floor and slowly slid them on. He then threw on a pair of old black jeans and a short sleeved black shirt. He chucked his black jacket on too, hoping to keep some warmth due to the cold April morning.

He made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. Before he could greet anyone, a large poodle knocked him off his feet, sending him flying backwards. The dog began licking Yuuri's entire face as he tried to pry him off.

"Tch, silly animal." He laughed to himself as he stroked his ears. "Wait, you look familiar."

Yuuri pondered for a little while.

"He looks exactly like Vicchan did." He mumbled to himself sadly. He rubbed him under his chin, guessing that he liked it. "So, what's your name?" Yuuri smiled while flipping his collar around.

"Makkachin. That's a nice name!" Yuuri chirped. Dogs made him so happy. The could lift his mood instantly. "Hang on, that sounds familiar..." Yuuri suddenly realised.

Yuuri's father appeared a few seconds later and smiled at the two while leaning on the doorframe.

"There's a hot foreign guy in the hot spring, he wants to see you. He looks familiar. Can't remember from where though." Yuuri's father informed him before trudging off again.

"Hang on..." Yuuri whispered to himself while getting up slowly. He walked quickly towards the hot spring before breaking into a run. He burst through the door before coming face to face with someone he though he'd be this close to again since what happened last year.

Viktor was right in front of him, quietly humming to himself as he soaked in the onsen. Yuuri stared with his mouth open for a few seconds, before realising what he was doing. He quickly shut his mouth and blushed. Viktor looked so perfect. Even if he was just lying casually in Yuuri's family's hot spring, he never failed to take Yuuri's breath away with his beauty. His silver hair was glistening in the sunlight and his turquoise eyes were shimmering and full of life. And of course, his perfectly sculpted body was on display, making Yuuri fantasize things that he really shouldn't. Yuuri quickly shook his head and slid back inside, hoping that Viktor hadn't noticed him. Unfortunately he was out of luck.

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