1. A Presence

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The Gryffindor common room was silent still, the paintings rigid, the candle lights dimmed, and the radio mute. The room was completely soundless, except for the crackling fire, and the turning pages of a book.

Hermione was sitting alone in the wide, red chair next to the fire, reading 'The Advanced Guide to Transfiguration' despite having read it 32 times before. It was 1 o'clock in the morning, and the whole school was filled with sleeping pupils and teachers.

Hermione decided she had waited long enough, closed her book and stood up, when she felt a presence in the room. Although it should have startled her, she was perfectly calm. The corners of her mouth twitched into a smile as she felt her hair being tucked behind her ear, and a warm hand squeeze her shoulder.

Hermione closed her eyes longingly as she felt the heat of the presence breath tickle the nape of her neck. "I've been waiting for you" she said quietly, still aware of the pupils sleeping just upstairs. "I know you have, I've been watching" replied the presence.

The voice, whilst clearly coming from a man, sounded surprisingly delicate. Hermione giggled softly "Oh Draco, I've missed you so much". She turned around and flung her arms around his neck. "Shhhhh" replied Draco softly, whilst holding her tightly, "I've missed you too".

A tear ran down Hermione's cheek, "I thought you had forgotten me Draco, I waited so long" she said tearfully, as she burrowed her face into his shoulder. Draco kissed Hermione firmly on the top of her head before replying “Come on, I could never forget you”, she looked up and stared into his eyes, they intrigued her, a warm silver colour, she couldn’t help but get lost in them.

Draco took Hermione’s hand and led her back to the chair; he sat down and pulled her onto his lap, he put his arm around her and they sat there together for the first time in 6 weeks. They spent 10 minutes just sitting there, savouring the moment that they had both longed for, when Hermione interrupted the perfection.

“I’m tired of hiding away from everyone” said Hermione timidly as she knew this was a sensitive subject. Draco sighed “I am too” he replied, a long pause took place. “It’s a new year. Time for a new start, why don’t we just…” “We can’t tell anyone Mione” Draco interrupted, “Think of the rules we have broken, we would be expelled. Imagine what my father would say.” Silence fell once again.

“I’m sorry” Hermione said piercing through the silence “I wasn’t thinking”. “It’s not your fault” he replied, blankly as he took his arm away from her. Hermione’s heart sank as he said “I better go back now”. Hermione placed her hand lightly on his face, “Please stay” she whispered in his ear, “Not here, not now. I have to go” he uttered, fighting the urge to stay with her.

They both stood up as if it were a chore; both longing to spend the night in each other’s company but endured the temptation. Hermione put her arms around his neck and tenderly stroked the nape with her index finger, as Draco grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him, every inch of their body was in contact.

Hermione’s tummy filled with butterflies, yet her face still beamed with excitement, she had been thinking of this moment for 6 weeks. Draco leaned in and kissed Hermione lustfully.

The moment their lips touched Hermione was satisfied, she had finally got what she had desired for weeks on end. As their lips broke apart, Draco smiled and winked at Hermione cheekily; Hermione shyly grinned and looked at the floor as she removed her hands from his neck. Draco then turned his back and sneakily retreated to the Slytherin common room.

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