8. Interaction

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Draco walked into the Gryffindor common room in search of Hermione. It was pitch dark, he couldn't see a thing "Lumos" he said quietly and a bright, shining light glowed out the end of his wand. Draco was wearing in pyjamas. They were green and black long stripes, to match the colour of his house and despite being ready for bed, Draco looked immaculately smart.

As walk walked around squinting his eyes where the bright light was blinding him, he realised that Hermione wasn't there. Draco was just about to walk out of the common room and make his way back to the dungeons, when he thought he'd go up to the girls dormitory, just to check she was there.

Draco chanted "Freeze!" making the stairs solidify, allowing him to walk up the cold, stony stairs, without them turning to a slide. When he reached the top of the stairs there were two very big and sturdy looking wooden doors, one on the left and one on the right.

Draco pointed his wand at the lock of the door on the right and said "Alohomora" the lock of the door turned and the door began to open, and right there in front of him laid Hermione asleep in bed. He smiled as he saw her, knowing that he should turn away and go back to the dungeon, he walked over to her bed and tucked her wavy hair behind her ear delicately.

She woke up startled, but when she saw it was Draco leaned over her she was calm. "We're going to get caught" She said softly as she closed her eyes again. Draco didn't reply but he drew the curtains on her four-post bed, and then slid in next to her.

Hermione was unsure whether to feel shocked, or happy, but she was too tired to react. She moved over to make room for Draco in her bed, and turned to face him. They were so close the tips of their noses were touching. Draco put his arms around Hermione; Their bodies seemed in entwine perfectly together. They both lie there peacefully, and fell asleep.

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