13. Getting ready

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Hermione proceeded back to the Gryffindor common room, engrossed with thoughts of Draco. She wanted tonight to be special. As she got to the girls dormitory, Hermione glansed at Lavender, who seemed to be the only girl up there. Lavender smiled slightly.

"Where is everyone?" Hermione questioned "Well they're all out...with their dates for tonight!" Lavender said it as though it was obvious "Right of course". Hermione went and folded up her robes and towels before sitting down on her four-poster. "How are you having you're hair Mione?" Hermione hadn't thought about her hair, make up or even what she was going to wear, she was too interested in Draco's plan.

Hermione looked at Lavender "...Oh god, I don't know". They both began to laugh. "Come here, I'll do it for you". Hermione looked reluctant. She knew that Lavender was quite...extravagant when it comes to this sort of thing, but as she had no idea's herself she shyly walked over. "Ok Lav, but nothing too-" "Nothing too bold, yes don't worry I have just the style for you"

Lavender whipped out her wand, and ran her pale hands through Hermione’s knotted hair, brushing out each tangle individually. They we’re there for nearly 2 hours laughing, gossiping and singing along to the music being played downstairs in the common room. Hermione found it quite relaxing to have an hour or two to herself, forgetting all of her worries, friends, and Draco.

“Ok I’m done” Hermione began to stand up before Lavender shouted “…OH NO WAIT!” and pushed her back into the chair. Lavender picked up her wand and waved it, out came a beautiful, wine red, rose. Lavender cupped it in her hands at placed it sturdily in Hermione’s hair. “There, now I’m done”.

 Lavender had a smile on her face, as Hermione stood and walked over to the mirror in the corner of the dorm. “Do you like it?” “wow, Lavender it’s… well it’s perfect”. Her hair was in a half up, half down style with loose curls, twisting through the ends. There was a sprinkle of glitter, glistening through, which looked like raindrops, topped off with a beautiful rose to add a touch of elegance.

 “Thank you!” Hermione hugged Lavender, as she thought to herself maybe tonight would be special after all.

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