16. Deception

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After waiting 15 minutes for Draco, Hermione sat down alone and begun to read a book, her packed bag underneath her chair at her feet. As the door opened, Hermione looked up and smiled like a child. Her face beamed with happiness, and Draco suddenly felt guilty. He smiled back.

“And, what took you so long?” Hermione asked as she stood up and began to walk over to him slowly, “Couldn’t get away from Pansy?” Hermione said sarcastically. He made a “Tsh” sound and when she reached him she kissed him, in the same way that Pansy had.

It made Draco cringe. To think that the last person he kissed was Pansy. Hermione’s kissed satisfied him more, it made him feel more comfortable knowing that it was the person he truly loved rather than that.

Draco felt the guilt build up inside him, which made his eyes fill with water. Hermione noticed. “What’s wrong?” She said softly wiping the single fallen tear from his cheekbone. “I was only joking about the Pansy thing, I trust you!”

“I know” Draco managed to utter. “Don’t cry, come on tell me what’s wrong?” she stoked the side of his face gently with her timid hands. Her touch was so soothing, but it made it want to empty all of his sorrows to her. ‘I can’t tell her. It would ruin everything.’

“I’m … I’m just so glad, that I can finally spend time with you” She rested her chin on his shoulder as she held him in her arms. Draco took a deep breath in and took her hand; he kissed her cheek gently and led her out of the library through the castle.

Hand in hand, they walked through the empty corridors. Hermione’s face still lit up like a child, as she looked up at Draco. He stopped at a small door, near the Slytherin dungeons. Hermione watched as Draco canted the spell “Alohomora” at the lock, opened it, reached in and retrieved a broomstick. His broomstick.

 “We’re flying?!” Hermione questioned “Yes” “But I hate…” “You hate flying yes I know, but I’ll be the one flying it, just hold on to me” He winked at her cheekily. She laughed and playfully slapped him on the arm. Draco took her bag, and put it over his shoulder before grabbing her hand again and leading her out to the grounds of the castle.

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