17. Sensations

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The view from the grounds was stunning. The bright white stars emerged from the livid sky. They lit up the fields, and exposed Hermione’s incandescent face to Draco. The guilt over took him again. What have I done? Ruined her…our dreams. How could I be so selfish – they’re just friends. He reassured himself. They both just stood their hand in hand, looking up at the beautifully illuminated sky, when Draco mounted his broom stick. Hermione stared at him for a minute “Are you sure this is a good idea Draco?” He held out his hand for her to take. “Trust me”

‘Trust’ was just a word to Draco. It had no meaning. He didn’t think himself worthy of her trust, but he didn’t want to ruin Hermione’s night. It had to be perfect.

Hermione took his hand and mounted the broom, closely behind Draco. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and looked at his perfectly sculpted face. Draco shut his eyes at the perfect sensation of Hermione’s touch.

She leant forward and kissed Draco’s cheek. He opened his eyes and smiled, before saying “Ready?” Hermione breathed heavily out of her mouth, and replied “Yes”. Draco kicked off from the floor and his broomstick began to glide smoothly through the sky. Hermione’s grip tightened around his waist and he felt her warm face press against his right shoulder blade.

Hermione closed her eyes with fear. She took a deep breath in through her nose, and inhaled Draco’s aftershave, it was strong enough to identify, but not overpowering – the perfect amount. “Mione open your eyes” Draco said softy. Hermione instantly obeyed Draco’s command, without a second thought.

It was breath taking. The moon was so captivating. Hermione’s eyes widened as she looked across at Draco. His hair flowed in movement mirroring the winds direction. His silver smoky eyes explicit from the rushed surroundings. The muscles in the back of his neck tensed and Hermione loosened her grip from his waist.

Although he didn’t want her to let go, Draco was glad that she felt more comfortable, in the remarkable situation. The air seemed so fresh, the view so clear, it was so pure.

The journey, unfortunately began to come to an end, and Draco steered the broomstick close towards the ground, and slowed it down. A sudden excitement overcame Hermione, were as Draco felt quite the opposite. Dread.

I shouldn’t have brought her here. It’s morbid. The dark, gloomy setting was depressing. Why did I suggest this?

Draco was silent as they landed gently on the floor, and stepped off of the broom. Hermione walked across the gravel on the path of Draco’s garden, admiring the pretty flowers blooming in the flower bed. Draco picked up the broomstick, and walked robotically along the path to the front door, opened it and glanced over his shoulder to check where Hermione was.

He smiled at how pretty she looked standing there, absorbing the view of the garden before he walked up behind her and placed his hands gently on her rounded shoulders, and tucked a few stray hairs behind Hermione’s ear. “Coming in then?” “Yes, let’s go!”

Before she knew what was happening Draco had scooped Hermione up, and began to carry her into his house, holding the underside of her legs and waist, whilst Hermione clung to his neck, both in laugher as this occurred.

Draco interrupted the laugher with a stimulated kiss. He carried her all the way up to his room, when he put her down lightly and, gave her a few seconds to regain her balance. Draco pushed open his bedroom door, revealing a surprise he had previously set up for Hermione, who stood there in the door way, and gasped.

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