30. Opposites attract

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Draco sat up in bed and began to open the box, and pulled out a thick silver chain, with a block of silver in the middle. It had the words ‘Opposites attract’ engraved into the block. Draco put the chain around his pale wrist, and smiled as he thought of her.

When Hermione opened the bedroom door to check on Draco, he was asleep so she got to work on packing the bags. Knowing that they had to go back to school tomorrow morning was upsetting. There’s no time to be together at Hogwarts. It’s so segregated. All I ask for is a little more time with Draco.

She looked over at him again, and found him watching her grinning. Hermione was still wearing his shirt. “It suits you” He winked at her, and she started to laugh in attempt to cover up her true feelings of poignancy, but her voice cracked and a tear slid down her face. She tried to mask it but Draco had already seen.

“Mione?” His voice said gently. She sighed as she did up her bag, and looked around at him. “What is it?” He questioned whilst patting the bed, indicating for her to sit down with him. She walked over and crawled into bed next to him. He look her hand and moved her head onto his chest. She stopped sobbing, and began to explain herself.

 “Draco, when we go back to school we won’t be able to see each other like this.” He had forgotten that they had to go back, and he suddenly became rather depressed at the thought of losing Hermione. “Well then we should make the most of being together” He replied “While we can”. He said before kissing her, hard on the lips. She kissed back and slid her hand across his waist line.

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