25. Cottage

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When they reached Hermione’s house Draco was just as intrigued as Hermione was at Draco’s house. He stared at the flower beds, blossoming pink and yellow tulips, and the cute hanging baskets either side of the petite front door. It was small, but welcoming. “It’s so… different” Hermione blushed a little.

“Yes, it’s not quite as grand as what you’re used to-” “I like it” He said much to her surprise. She turned the key, and stepped into the cottage like house. Draco followed her swiftly. As soon as they entered a smell of sweets delved his senses. He looked around reassuringly for Hermione who was in the living room, lighting a log fire, without magic.

He peered around the door and noticed the pretty organisation. There was a wooden floor, with a large, cream, leather sofa against the wall, the windows were large and bright, and creamy coloured curtains were pinned back allowing a view of falling snow into the cosy room. There was a TV in the corner of the room, opposite a big Christmas tree with white sparkling lights. The glowing wood fire heated the room rapidly and Hermione was sat on the rug next to it.

Her life looks so perfect. Draco began to think to himself. He felt out of place, like he didn’t belong, despite his appeal. Hermione tried to make him feel at home, but it just wasn’t working, he wasn’t being himself. She made them dinner, which they ate in silence. “What is it Draco? You’ve been off since we got here” “Nothing” He lied. He felt as though he was intruding her happiness.

“Come on then” She said “Let’s go back” Within 5 minutes they were locking the door, and walking back to the train station. Back to Malfoy Manor. Once returning to the manor, an unwelcome figure came into Draco's view.

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