11. The morning of the party

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Hermione woke up to the sound of girls giggling, and running around getting ready for the Christmas party later. She sat up in her bed, rubbed her eyes and began reading. Out of the corners of her eyes she watched Parvati and Lavender run around getting bathed and doing their hair for later.

As they all finally went down for breakfast Hermione got up and threw on some jeans and a baggy top, before going down for her breakfast holding her book. She didn’t join in much with Harry and Ron’s conversation, because she was so distracted.

She couldn’t stop thinking about Draco’s plan of escaping the castle. Hermione turned her head to the direction of the Slytherin table, where Draco was already looking over at her, longingly with his head in his hand.

 “What were you looking at?” said Harry, trying to catch her out. “Just Malfoy, he was hassling me in Herbology the other day, just warning him off.” She over explained herself, which made the others scowl. They knew exactly what she was looking at.

They were all stunned into silence, as they couldn’t quite believe that Hermione lied to their faces like that. “So Mione who are you going to the party with then?” Ginny asked, shattering the silence.

“Oh no-one, I thought I’d just, you know go in a group with t…”, “Well Ron’s not going to anyone either” Ron looked at Ginny, mouth wide open “why don’t you go together?” The direction of Ron’s eyes directed towards Hermione and just as her was about to apologise, “Yes! That’s perfect!” Ron suddenly looked pleased with himself “Ok yeah” He said trying to sound casual, but everyone could tell he was impressed with himself.

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