23. Emptiness

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They both looked very smug. “What have you done with my clothes?” Draco questioned “Do you want them back?” “Yes.” “Well you better ask nicely then” Hermione answered back cheekily. Draco smirked at the influence he had on her, she began to sound more and more like him. He sighed heavily “PLEASE, may I have my clothes back?”

“No.” Hermione grinned and walked over to him slyly, “I think you look better like this” “So do I” He replied cockily. She laughed, and began to explain where she had hidden his clothes when he kissed her. As her hands caressed his face, she felt how cold his skin was, it made her jump. “Draco! You’re freezing!” He stepped back, and turned away before proceeding back up the stairs.

Before he turned Hermione caught a glimpse of his face. It was identical to the most recent picture of him on the cabinet in the hallway. She was shocked at how blunt he was, how lifeless his face looked, the emptiness in his eyes. Something is defiantly going on. She thought back to the temperature of his body.

The icy cold reminded her of the Draco she used to know, cruel and arrogant. But that was in the past. There has to be a reason for all of this. She walked slowly out of the room, and towards the picture before picking it up and examining it closely. “What are you doing?” The familiar voice that she knew, and loved had returned. He looked happy again.

A fully clothed Draco, proceeded down the stairs with a smile on his face. “I’m just looking at this” She turned the picture to show him, and the life seemed to drain out of his eyes, but he tried to hide this from Hermione “Ah, I was 11 in that, first day at Hogwarts” Hermione put the picture down as she saw that it bothered him.

He seemed distant. “So…” said Hermione changing the conversation “I was thinking, I could show you the muggle world, as you let me into yours last night” They both thought back to last night, yearning to experience it again. Draco nodded “Come on then” Hermione ran upstairs, grabbed both of their shoes, coats and scarfs, and took them back down. She pulled Draco’s coat on for him, snapping him out of the memories he was engrossed in, he smiled at her.

 When they were both ready they took each other’s hands and walked out of the door.

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