2. Slytherin boy

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Hermione hurried out of herbology, and rushed down the corridor, barging her way past lost first years. Not looking where she was going walked right into someone. “Oh watch where your goi…” “Woah woah hey!” replied a familiar voice, she looked up and it was Draco Malfoy standing amongst a group of his friends, who stood there laughing at her.

He grabbed her by the shoulders as she bumped into him, and she made the mistake of looking into Draco’s eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but before she has the chance Harry came up behind her pushed her along, raised his voice and came out with ‘SHUV OFF MALFOY’. 

Hermione was looking over her shoulder, trying to spot Draco as Harry was urging her forward to Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall. “What did he say to you? Was he giving you trouble?” asked a concerned Harry “Nothing I couldn’t handle” replied Hermione, still star struck by the glimpse she got of Draco’s eyes.

Harry and Hermione took their seats at the desk. The room was full of interesting books, objects, and animals but Hermione just stared patiently at the door waiting for Draco to walk in.

“What did he say to you?” questioned Harry, although he said it rather loudly, it sounded muffled to Hermione as she was too busy watching Draco walk in through the entrance. He’s perfectly combed blonde hair bounced  as he walked passed her, still laughing with Crabbe he sat down at his desk just in front of Hermione, trying his hardest not to look at her. Their love had to remain a secret. No one would ever accept their relationship. So they both put on an act to disguise their true feelings for one another, much like a cloak of invisibility.

“Harry, stop fussing” she said pleaded. McGonagall stood up and instantly the laugher and gossip that had filled the room, abruptly stopped. “May I have your attention please?” McGonagall asked politely, her high pitched voice echoed around the room, “Now I understand you have touched on the topic of an animagus with Professor Lupin…” “Snape actually Professor” shouted out Seamus Finnigan. “Ur...well yes thank you Mr.Finnigan” she then carried on with her original question “so kindly tell me what Professor Snape taught you of the subject”.

Hermione’s hand instantly shot up into the air. “Yes, Miss Granger”, “An Animagus” Hermione answered “is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal.” Draco’s heart skipped a beat as soon as she started to speak. “Correct Miss Granger, well done”. Both Draco and Hermione smiled to themselves, pleased that she answered the question right.

Although no one else could feel it except Draco and Hermione, there was tension in the room. The edgy secret of their love was exciting. It was so well disguised that no one suspected anything. Hermione was distracted most of the lesson, thinking about last night, wishing she could return back to that moment of perfection, where it was just her and Draco. She started scribbling on a piece of old parchment, it was a note for Draco it said simply ‘Same place, same time TONIGHT. See you there’. She folded it up neatly and wrote ‘Draco’ on the front, then conveniently knocked her quill off of her desk and on to the floor. As she leaned down to pick it up, she discretely tucked the note into the pocket of Draco’s robes, gave it a tug so he knew to look and sat back up.

“Ok, well done everyone, you may collect you things and leave now” McGonagall said, raising her voice. Instantly everyone started to laugh, and gossip again while they picked up their books and quills. “OH just one more thing, I almost forgot! Sit back down everyone. SIT DOWN” her voice boomed, and once again the room went still.

“I almost forgot to mention, as I’m sure you’re all aware, the Christmas period is coming up…” “WAHEY!” shouted Seamus excitedly, everyone began to laugh “Yes Mr.Finnigan, something I’m sure all of us are looking forward to, but as I was saying” the laugher died down “Hogwarts is holding a Christmas party, in which you are all invited to” said McGonagall beaming with excitement and pleasure.

A buzz filled the room as everyone began to discuss the party. “It will be held in the main hall, on the 23rd of December” she exclaimed trying to talk over the buzz, “if you wish for more information on the matter feel free to come and see me.” “CLASS DISMISSED!” In a flash the whole class was crowded around the door all trying to get out and the buzz followed them through the door and into the corridor, however Draco and Hermione lingered until the crowd had gone and it was just them alone in the corridor.

Hermione was stood with her back against the stony wall, Draco approached her and pressed his hands against the wall she was leaning on, he smiled once again the cheeky smile that he flashed Hermione last night, leaned forward and whispered in her ear “I’ll be there” and on his way back up gave her a peck on the lips. He looked her in the eye and winked before confidently walking away from Hermione. He turned his head and looked at her one last time before turning the corner and going back to his act of a mean, judgemental Slytherin boy.

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