36. The Battle of Hogwarts

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2nd May 1998 - The Battle of Hogwarts

“Harry Potter is DEAD!” Draco’s heart pounded, as he heard the Dark Lord scream across the ground “No! NO!” His head was is the direction of Ginny Weasley, but it quickly turned to Hermione. She was trying to stay strong, but Ron was holding her up, preventing her from breaking down. “SILENCE” Draco’s head turned back to hold Voldemort’s gaze. ‘I have to stay strong… for her’, “stupid girl”

The broken grounds of Hogwarts were quiet while everyone stared Voldemort. “Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth; you put your faith, in me” He continued to say. Draco circulated his head to watch Hermione, he wanted nothing more than to go over and hold her. ‘Her best friend has died, and I helped kill him.’ She was breathing heavilyand she looked at him with sad eyes, but she held herself up and remained strong.

“Harry Potter is dead!” the death eaters began to laugh with Voldemort as he shouted it even louder. “And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us, or die.” Draco’s heart pounded, unsure of what to do. He stole continuous glances from Hermione. Silence flooded the grounds again until he heard his father’s terrified voice.

“Draco!” Hermione looked round at him with glassy eyes, and he looked back. “Draco…” Lucius held out a hand, and his mother stepped forward “Draco” She said in her soft voice. “Come” He looked around at the other students, and caught Hermione’s gaze. She looked hesitant, but nodded at him and with that he began to make his way across the grounds, onto the opposite sides, constantly looking back at Hermione, who stared at him walking away.

As he turned his head he was standing right in front of Voldemort “Ah! Well done Draco, well done” and he stretched out his arms in attempt to praise Draco, His snake like arms wrapped around his shoulders and gave them a quick squeeze before releasing him again. The mark on his arm was throbbing, and he felt sick, as he could feel the cold, icy stares from all of the pupils behind him on the back of his neck.

He joined his mother, who took him into her arms, and walked away, with his father trailing behind. He felt empty inside, and it projected to his face. He looked broken, beyond the point of repair as he walked away from the only thing he had ever come to love. He glimpsed back to meet her eye, as she was watching him walk away. With every step he took away, the more alone she felt. ‘He’ll be there for me when all this is over. He’s safe. This will keep him alive. These thoughts floated around in her head as she watched the family apparate away.

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