21. Distressed

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He saw her distressed expression as he looked straight over at her and chose not to pick up on it. “They’ve gone, they won’t be back until after Christmas” Hermione ignored him. “Isn’t that good Mione?” Completely ignoring the question Hermione looked up at him, and forced a smile. “So, you never did tell me, did you enjoy the Christmas party?”

Draco suddenly felt on edge. “Urm, yeah it was alright, did you?” “What was your favourite bit?” she questioned again. Draco paused for a moment “Ok, what’s wrong” He went and sat next to her, and put a comforting hand on her knee. “Nothing, just answer the question” “Ok, urm…” Draco could see tears welling up in her eyes “Well seeing you, of course”.

Hermione nodded sarcastically, as she brushed his hand off of her knee, stood up and began to pace in front of him. “And, why were you so late to meet me again?” She knows. He sat silently for a few seconds.Well?” Hermione reinforced the question. A tear rolled down her cheek, as she already sussed out the answer.

Guilt pounded its way through Draco. “Mione… it didn’t -” “It was Pansy wasn’t it” She interrupted, although she said it quietly. Draco nodded his head. Hermione began to sob loudly, she couldn’t hold it in. It pained her so much to know that the one person she learnt to love and trust, had let her down.

She sat down on the opposite side of the bed, with her back towards him before running her hands through her thick hair, expressing her stress to Draco. She still sobbed, louder than ever. He crawled across the bed to her, and put his hands on her shoulders, and put a comforting arm around her.

As much as she wanted to push him away and be alone, his touch made her weak; she fell straight into his arms and broke down into his lap, while he held her tightly, stroked her hair, and shed a few tears himself.

After a while Hermione regained her strength and sat up. She looked him directly in the eye, and asked “Why?” Draco bit his lip, wondering whether to tell the truth or not. “Honestly Mione, I saw you and Ron…On the stairs, and I – Well I was jealous…” Hermione stared at him, absolutely engrossed in the story. “Surely you know that Ron and I are just frie-” “I KNOW” Draco shouted. The sudden outrage made her jump.

He sighed heavily “I know – I just didn’t expect to see you all over each other I suppose I just thought, that I needed revenge…” Revenge, I hadn’t done anything wrong. The evil side to Draco became apparent to Hermione, and it disturbed her. “So I turned to Pansy, not because I wanted her, just because she was there.” “And I wasn’t” Hermione said under her breath.

“Mione – It was a complete accident, honestly it meant nothing” He took hold of her hands “I… Love you” Hermione’s body filled with warmth and she felt compelled to believe him. She let out a smile “I love you too” They embraced each other’s kiss, and all was forgiven.

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