26. The Covert Figure

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In a panic to keep the figure covert, Draco walked Hermione over to the front door, and sent her up the stairs. “Why? Where are you going?” She questioned “I won’t be long” He forced a smile “I’m just going to lock the house” She returned the smile, and hopped up the stairs, with Draco’s eyes on her until she entered the bedroom.

When Draco turned back around to look, the figure had moved from the shadows of the garden to the front of the door. Leaning against the frame, looking rather smug stood Pansy Parkinson. “So” she said without giving Draco time to explain himself “this is why you left me last night” She began to raise her voice “for that filthy mud-“ “Pansy, please” He pushed her outside, and shut the door behind them before grabbing her by the wrist and marching her out of the gate.

“GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! DRACO! THAT HURTS” He ignored her complaints of pain, and marched her right out of the manor gates, away from the view of Hermione. It wasn’t until they were out of the gate that Draco said anything to her. “What do you think you are playing at?” Trying to remain calm Draco questioned her desperately.

“I could ask you the same question!” She burst out “I SIT AND LISTEN TO YOU MOAN ABOUT THAT VILE MUDBLOOD, THEN I TURN UP AT YOUR HOUSE AND I FIND YOU-” “DON’T YOU DARE” Pansy overpowered him, and slapped him hard around the face leaving a scratch mark across his pale cheek bone.

“What are you even doing here?” He said quietly whilst cupping the now bleeding cut. She began to walk away “PANSY, don’t go, I’m talking to you”. She turned around with a grin planted on her red lips. “Ahhhh so you do want me” She walked towards him, and pressed her body against his, she took a deep breath inhaled the familiar scent that so many seem to love.

 “What is it you had to tell me?” She took the lead and walked back inside the manor, he followed her in and watched her take a seat at the head of the table. She looked up at him with flirty eyes, and said "The rise of the dark lord"

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