38. 19 years later

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19 years later

The bedroom was silent still, the pictures rigid, the candle lights dimmed, and the radio mute. The room was completely soundless accept for the distant sound of children sleeping, and the turning pages of a book.

Hermione was sitting alone on the edge of the wide, cream bed reading ‘You and your owl’ despite having read it several times before. It was 1 o’clock in the morning and the house was filled with sleeping children.

Hermione decided she had read for long enough, closed her book and stood up to get into bed, when she felt a presence in the room. Although it should have startled her, she remained perfectly calm. The corners of her mouth twitched into a smile as she felt her hair being tucked behind her ear, and a warm hand squeeze her shoulder.

She closed her eyes longingly as she felt the heat from the presence’ breathe tickle the nape of her neck “It’s late” she said quietly still aware of the sleeping children. “You should be in bed then” replied the familiar delicate voice.

She span around, to face the presence and said “So should you, Draco” before forcing their lips to collide together and jumping up into his arms, allowing him to carry her over to the bed, making a point of not breaking the kiss. He lowered her gently onto the head of the bed before climbing in on top of her.

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