18. Malfoy Manor

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“Wow!” Hermione whispered under her breath. Draco stood there switching looks from the floor to her overwhelmed face. “Do you- Do you like it?” Draco asked shyly “Draco I love it! It’s just perfect” She stepped in the room, and looked all around.

The room was huge. On the black walls was a projection of the stars, which reminded Hermione of their magical journey there. The steps, leading up to the platform holding the bed were lit up by scented candles, so when Hermione took a deep breath in she could smell a clean, fresh, minty type smell, which made her instantly relax.

The platform was a round shape, and the candles led all the way around the edge. It looked very impressive. Just when Hermione thought that the night couldn’t get any better, Draco got out his wand and pointed it at the door at the other side of his room.

The door opened revealing an en suite bathroom. The bath was running, and bubbles were floating around the room, just as they had in the prefect bathroom at school. Hermione melted at all the effort that Draco had put into this. All for her.

Draco walked up behind her and protected her waist with his arms, his head locking perfectly into Hermione’s shoulder. She put her hands on his, turned her head to face him and kissed him tenderly. “Thank you” He smiled at her compassionately “Well shall we continue where we left off?” He winked at her again and lifted her up over his shoulder.

She laughed and screamed playfully at the same time, and he carried her over to the bath. “Now” He said “if I remember correctly, you pulled me in WITH my clothes on…” “Oh no!” She laughed “I think that it’s your turn now” She laughed as he slowly lowered her into the bath, dress and all. 

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