14. Black and Red

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Hermione had agreed to meet Ron and the others at the bottom of the staircase leading to the great hall. She made her way down, descending each step gracefully. Draco was in the corridor along with other students waiting to meet people in the same place. Their eyes met simultaneously. As Draco looked up his perfect hair moved in motion with him. Hermione preferred him with looser, more untidy features. His eyes looked so tender, and loving, it made her heart melt.

His suit looked modern. It suited him. He wore all black. Blazer, shirt, tie, shoes. Black. It contrasted his pale skin; it was almost like he shone. She couldn’t help but beam when she saw him. This moment had been building up for weeks, and the excitement built up inside her that it was finally occurring. All she wanted to do was kiss him, but her reputation held her back, and kept her in the correct mind frame.

Beautiful – Draco looked up at Hermione discretely. She wore a tight, red dress with long sleeves. I came to just above her knees. She held in her hand a black clutch bag, with matching black heels. The dress revealed her shoulders, which instantly reminded Draco of the level of intimacy they secured that morning. How the touch of her skin sent shivers through his whole body.

She walked passed him as she entered the main hall, looked over her shoulder and smiled, and he grinned and flashed her confident wink which she always loved to see. As she turned back to face the hall, it seemed as though all eyes turned to her. She spotted Luna who waved and beckoned her over.

 The whole group were all together laughing and dancing, as she saw everyone together the guilt started to take over her mind and play on her emotions. ‘How could i cheat my bestfriends?’ Feeling once again, torn between her best friends and her boyfriend, she planted a look of delight on her face and joined in with the fun.

Ron approached Hermione and she began to get worried. He knows we’re only here as friends, right? He smiled at her and took her hand gently, his palms were slightly sweaty. She smiled back at him sweetly but inside she was still slightly on edge.

Ron led Hermione outside of the hall and to the deserted stairs around the corner, where they both sat together. “Look Ron, you do know we’re only here as frie…” “That’s not why I brought you here Mione” Ron cut Hermione short, “I wanted to tell you that we all know.”

Hermione’s heart skipped a beat “Know what?” she spat “Know, about you and Malfoy” “I don’t understand, what about us?” Ron sighed “Don’t deny it Mione, we know that you are together!” Hermione was apprehensive. They both stared at each other before Hermione eventually broke the eye contact and glanced at the door.

“Ok” She said, clueless of what else to add. “Well – what do you think?” “At first I was bloody furious…” Ron’s voice trailed off and Hermione’s heart sank, for a second there she thought that he was cooperate with the idea. Ron saw Hermione’s face drop, when he stopped his rant and took her hands, she looked up.

“Does he make you happy?” Hermione could conjure words, so she simply nodded her head and awaited his response “Well then…” he continued “You always have my support” Ron replied through gritted teeth. Hermione threw her arms around his neck and sighed with relief “Thank you!” She whispered in his ear.

 “But if that bloody Mandrake, ever does you any harm, I’ll be the first to be let on him” They both sat there laughing embracing each other’s touch, when Malfoy walked out through the doors of the great hall, unseen by either of them.

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