31. Hogwarts Express

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They woke up the next morning, sorry that their break together had come to an end. Each of them got up, had a shower and got dressed, and Draco had cooked up some breakfast. “So” said Hermione whilst consuming some toast “I have come up with a plan” “Oh yeah? What is it then” “Well it’s a schedule to see each other- fit around both of our studies of course” Draco grinned “Oh, of course!”

“I will draw up a timetable on the train, and Draco you must stick to it, or else you won’t be prepared for the exams” “As long as I get to see you, I don’t mind” He flashed the usual cheeky smile, and winked at her. She laughed and stood up “Right, come on, we had better get going” Draco carried the bags out of the door, and they walked hand in hand to King’s Cross Station.

By the time they had got there, and got their tickets it was quarter to 11. As there was hardly anyone on the train, they decided to sit together. “Come on lets go in here” Hermione said “Ooh Granger, you just can’t keep your hands off me can you?” He asked cheekily “I meant sit!” They both laughed. Draco lifted the luggage on the overhead carriers and shut the blinds on the cabin doors and when he turned to look at Hermione, she had already got out her pieces of parchment, and her quill.

She drew up the timetable whilst Draco sat down and watched her. So beautiful. How is she so beautiful? His mind was filled with thoughts of her as he fell asleep.

Half an hour had passed when Hermione woke him, and started to explain the timetable. She gave him his one, and Draco was shocked at how cram packed it was. It read:

After school timetable.

Monday – 5:00pm-7:00pm Care of magical creatures revision

7:00pm-9:00pm Defence against the dark arts revision

Tuesday – 4:30pm – 6:30pm Potions revision

6:30pm – 00:00am Room of requirement

Wednesday -5:00pm – 10:00 Quidditch

Thursday -12:00pm – 3:00pm – Duelling practice

3:00pm – 6:00pm – Transfiguration revision

Friday – 3:00pm-6:00pm Charms revision

6:00pm-00:00am – Room of requirement

“Wow, urm Mione that’s quite a lot, and where are you on here?” “Well, you need to study for your exams, they’re more important! The slots that say ‘Room of requirement’ are me” “Only twice a week?!” “I know, it’s not much but there’s always weekends” “…and there is right now” He grinned, before pulling her onto his lap and kissing her neck, as he knew she loved.

She giggled like a child, but stood her ground. “Draco” she said in a longing tone of voice, he made an “hmm” sound into her neck. “We’re nearly there” She peeked behind the blind. “Come on” she said as she lifted his chin away from her neck and to her lips.

                They stood up and Draco got the luggage, as the train came to a halt at the Hogwarts platform. “You go, I’m just going to get my things” She pointed to the table, which was scattered with books, parchment, ink, and several quills. “Ok – meet you on the platform” She pecked his lips with her own before he carried the bags out onto the platform, and looked around at the train awaiting Hermione’s departure.

“Wasn’t expecting you back so early” called an unwelcome, snooty voice. He instantly knew who it was and flung his head around only to behold Pansy Parkinson leaning against the railway gates.

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