22. Jet Black

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“I’m going to have a shower” Draco said softly, “I won’t be long, just make yourself at home” “…and, we’ll just put this whole mess behind us?” Questioned Hermione, “well, is that what you want?” Everything seemed so much more tender with Draco now, like they could both relax around each other and be themselves. “More than anything” He smiled and stroked her delicate cheekbones before kissing her lightly and taking his clothes, and towel into the bathroom, and shutting the door.  

Hermione decided that she would go down and make breakfast for the both of them. She turn and was about to walk through the door when she had a thought. His clothes. She debated in her mind whether she should do it, but her mischievous side over took her and she quickly and silently moved her way across the room.

She opened the bathroom door quietly, and to her delight Draco hadn’t noticed. On her hands and knees she crawled over and picked up Draco’s clothes and left, leaving nothing but a small towel in the bathroom with Draco. She hid them in the room, and went back to her plans of cooking them both breakfast.

She walked out of the room, and looked around the long hallway, she didn’t have a chance to have a look around last night. The whole house seemed to be black, and very neat. The extended hallway had several rooms, but all of the doors were shut, other than this it was very empty. It had a every evil vibe to it. There were two very grand stair cases, one leading up and one down.

Hermione felt the temptation to go upstairs, but was held back by fear, it looked very gaunt, she would ask Draco to take her up there later. She descended the staircase leading to the downstairs floor of the monumental staircase, holding onto the sleek, jet black hand rail. Walking very slowly, admiring every object that came into her vision as she disembarked the stepped.

The tall, wide door stood next to a mirror the same height. The only other object that stood in this corridor was a large cabinet, jet black like everything else, on it stood lots of framed pictures of Draco, all of him as a child. He smiled in all of them. Hermione couldn’t help notice that the bright smile seemed to fade in the pictures where he looked older, and there were no recent ones.

He never really speaks of his family. Hermione began to think to herself, but then realised she had wondered into a mysterious room. A long, black table stood in the middle of the room, with several chairs surrounding it. It looks to be a meeting room. Curious of this room, Hermione walked slowly around the table, touching each chair as she did until she stopped at the head and looked up.

 There stood Draco wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair, while soaking wet still looked immaculate, and he had drops of water clinging to his skin. Hermione smiled brightly at him, forgetting the curiosity, as she scanned him over. He grinned back, standing at the foot of the table.

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