20. Deep thoughts

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The next morning, both Draco and Hermione woke up early to the sound of his father’s voice booming up the stairs to Draco. They sat up startled. Draco scrambled out of bed and slipped on some clothes. Hermione was sitting in bed watching him with a smile on her face, when he noticed her.

“Morning Mione, I’ve just got to go and-” “DRACO!” The fierce voice of his father exploded around the house, and Draco rolled his eyes. He kissed Hermione on the top of the head. “Just stay here, I will get rid of them.” She remained quiet, just in case they heard her, but smiled all the same.

Draco dashed over to the door, and shouted “Coming father” down the stairs before winking at Hermione and shutting the door. She sat in Draco’s bed holding the black sheets up to her face, coving her naked body. She took a deep breath in and could smell Draco’s intoxicating smell.

Hermione tip toed out of bed and rummaged through her bag, grabbing her favourite pair of jeans, a jumper and some underwear. She got dressed and reminisced in thoughts of last night. It was perfect. Just as I imagined. She walked back over to the bed and straightened out the pillows, before pulling the sheets and making the bed just as neatly as she had seen it last night.

She went into the bathroom, and let the cold water run down the plug and looked at the floor to see a soaking wet dress, shoes, and a suit laying across the tiles. She smirked at the thought of last night. Hermione scooped them up in her arms and used the hot air charm to dry them all off before folding them up and placing them neatly on the end of Draco’s bed.

As she folded up Draco’s shirt, she noticed a smudge of bright red lipstick on his collar. She thought nothing of it for a while, and continued folding up clothes.

 I wasn’t wearing any lipstick.

 It suddenly dawned on her that, it wasn’t her lipstick. She slumped on the bed, heavily and began to think. Well, he was late to meet me, and he was acting strange when he did. Red lipstick. Hermione associated her last thought with Pansy Parkinson. The door swung wide open and Draco walked in confidently.

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