33. Inflicted with pain

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“Ok I’ll just sort out my hair, and…” Draco was talking to himself whilst getting himself ready to go and meet Hermione in the room of requirement. He noticed a shadow cross the wall. “Pansy, how many times do I have to tell you…” He began to turn around “I don’t want to-” “Hello Draco.” “Father?”

In the centre of the empty room stood Draco’s father, Lucius Malfoy. Draco stood awkwardly in the corner of the boys dormitory. “Merry Christmas” He said as he approached him, Draco flinched. “What’s the matter son?” “Why are you here?” “Can’t I come and see my boy?” Draco looked apprehensive. “Come on Draco” He held his arms out expecting a warm embrace.

Draco caved in thinking back to the other night, how his parents said they would sort it. Lucius held him there tightly and before he knew it, he heard the incantation “Petrificus Totalus.” It hit Draco with a force and he became riged and fell to the ground. He looked up and saw Pansy’s screwed up face looking down on him.

“Well done Pansy” Lucius praised her and rubbed her shoulder in attempt to be affectionate. She knelt down and came face to face with Draco. She grabbed his chin, and dug her nails into In his ear she whispered “Don’t you EVER cut me off again” She stood up and made a point of kicking him in the ribs, before turning and walking out of the door. All this time Lucius stood there and watched making no attempt to stand up for him.

“Draco, this is for your own good. You know that no-one can prevent your fate. This is your chance to prove yourself.” Lucius pulled out his wand and poked it into Draco’s sturdy left forearm. Draco glanced down to watch his father’s actions. He began to move the wand around his arm, and with each movement Draco felt a cold burning sensation seeping into his blood. He felt like screaming, but the spell that Pansy cursed found him to an arthritic, stiff form.

When he removed his wand there was a jet black, tattoo like mark left in the shape of a skull and snake. The Dark Mark. “It’s for your own good, Draco” Lucius said before turning and walking out of the room, leaving Draco on the floor, inflicted with pain, and frozen still.

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