32. Like a dog on a lead

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Miss me that much did you Draco?” She walked over seductively, while Draco just stood there unsure of what to do. “Mudblood, obviously didn’t satisfy you as much as I do” She whispered in his ear as she placed her hand on his chest. He glanced back at the train and there was no sign of Hermione.  Pansy forced Draco’s head to face her, and grabbed his tie, signalling him to follow her, which he did like a dog on a lead.

Hermione hopped off of the train, and was shocked to find the platform empty. He said he’d wait? I expect he’s just gone ahead of me. Hermione thought to herself as she made her way to the castle, alone.

Hermione had gone to her common room, and searched the dormitory, both of which were empty. She guessed that he would probably be in the great hall, having dinner as it was half past 6. Hermione hurried down to the great hall in search of Draco. As she stepped through the doors, he was the first thing that came into her vision. He looked up at her, and gave apologetic eyes, before glancing at Pansy who sat next to him.

A wave of jealousy overcame her, but Draco’s beautiful silver eyes washed it away, she smiled at him. “Hermione! Your back!” shouted a recognisable voice from across the room. Harry stood up and ran over to Hermione, and on approach hugged her to welcome her back. “Harry!” She whispered into his ear “I have missed you” They let go of each other allowing Ron, and Ginny to greet her just as kindly.

Ron raised his eyebrows at Hermione and smiled before hugging her and whispering “Did he treat you right?” “Yes” she replied before brushing him off rather quickly thinking of what Draco’s jealousy led him to last time. They sat down together and ate their food, before heading back up to the Gryffindor common room.

It just so happened to be a Friday, one of the day’s they were scheduled to meet each other in the room of requirement. So Hermione slipped away, and waited for Draco.

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